Chapter 19: Rescue!

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"Midnight!" Cally and I cried.

"It's okay! I'm okay! It's slime blocks down here! C'mon down!" Midnight's voice called back from the hole. Cally and I looked at eachother and shrugged before jumping down with her. She was right - I landed on a gooey slime block and Cally landed on one next to me

Midnight took out a torch and lit it, turning to face the hallway in front of us. It was lit only by Herobrine's redstone torches. Cally and I crept to Midnight's side and we proceeded cautiously. 

We walked down a long, silent hallway until we came to some stairs leading downwards. Exchanging looks of uneasiness, we stepped down them. Growing around the sides of the stairs below were Nether Warts. I considered grabbing a handful for back home, but decided against it. 

Though that passageway and then up another flight of stairs. When we came to the tops of these ones, we stopped dead.

There were cages with nether brick fences as bars lining the walls. And in these cages were-

Our dogs and cats! They were all here!

"Mark, Jackson, Sub Zero, Blue, Coolio-"

"If you name every one of your dogs in delight, we're gonna be here till Christmas," I said joyfully, clutching the bars of my dogs' cage. "Suzie, Lapis, Red! Boy am I glad to see you!" I cried. They didn't take any notice at all.

"Hey, I know it took a long time to find you, but-"


I looked over my shoulder. There were my cats! In a separate cage opposite the dogs.

I ran across to them and stuck my hand through the gaps. The cats took no notice of me either. In fact, they looked at me like they didn't even know me.

The other two were cooing over their pets as well, but something was nibbling at my mind, like a mouse nibbling cheese.

Would Herobrine really let us have our pets and just go? He normally gets people to fight him, or some sort of boss of his. Granted, those wither skeletons were hard, but he wouldn't consider them a boss. Just, as he said, his minions.

That's when I noticed the pressure plate.

A solid gold pressure plate sat at the back of the dungeon, waiting to be noticed.

I walked over to it. A sign above it read, 'Final Battle'.

I stepped back in fright.

"Uh, guys? That's not it," I said, staring at the plate. I knew it.

"What do you mean?" Midnight asked, reaching through the bars to try and ruffle Ocean's fur. Ocean ignored her.

"I mean that wasn't the last task," I swallowed. 

"We have to fight Herobrine himself."

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