♫Find The Pieces♫

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Note: Please skip to about 1 min into the video. :)

Note #2: The music and singing plays over while you read for the first half.


A few parrots, one blue, one grey and one green, rested on a tall oak tree. As the sun rose from behind the mountain, the birds awoke, ruffled their feathers and took off into the sky.

They soared over lakes and waterfalls, all shimmering in the early morning's light. They passed grazing pigs, cows and sheep, who looked up lazily, still chewing their early morning breakfast of tough, green grass.

The parrots glided under trees and twirled around eachother as they followed the winding, cobblestone path through the thick pine forest and over the mountain. At last, they reached the top, and flew down into the wonderful sight that was Dragon Castle, with the sun rising behind it's glorious turrets.

Smoke billowed from the chimneys that stuck up across the town, and large, stone walls, about four blocks thick, surrounded and protected the thriving community. On the end of each wall was a large turret, with iron-bar windows. Archers stood atop these mighty watchtowers, keeping an eyes on everything that went on in and around the castle. Roofs and the church bell tower rose from within the castle walls, and the castle itself was connected to the town by a long corridor. It was a good size for the royal family, with stain glass windows and a large courtyard.

The royal wolves howled in the new day, as the parrots zoomed over where they were laying in the courtyard.

(Hear it, hear it)

(Hear it, hear it)

It had small turrets, which were always guarded by archers, and a large flag wafted gently in the breeze.

The only way into this wondrous castle was by a rather large bridge, which ended in a drawbridge before the castle gates. Before the bridge was a small stable which could hold four horses, and another large watchtower.

Inside the castle walls, numerous citizens were already up and going about their daily buisness. People on mules, horses and donkeys flocked the streets, and the smell of fresh bread from the baker could be smelled from a mile away. Dogs barked and cats meowed, people grumbled and others exchanged friendly greetings.

(When I find the pieces)

As the blue, green and grey parrots soared over an alleyway, a small girl, a young knight, crouched behind some leaves. A black and grey wolf pup with a red collar peered around her legs. She nodded at the wolf.

Then she took off into the thundering crowd, ducking under horses and slipping through gaps, her trusty wolf pup at her heels. Feathers wet everywhere, people yelled as the young knight squeezed past them, causing people to stop and horses to rear.

(Don't know if I have ever loved - but I feel i-i-i-i-it!)

She ducked as a donkey cried out in shock and kicked it's front legs into the air, missing her head by milli-cubes. She darted out from underneath the massive creature and skittered quickly to the side. She ran past a large fountain, where a man was snoozing. The wolf leapt onto his head and bounced off his hat, waking him in an instant.

(When I find the pieces)


"Faces," Losia sighed.

"Echo with no na-a-ame."

"E-e-o, e-e-o," The wolf barked.

"Strangers." She balanced on the edge of a fountain.

"Feel like home but fa-a-ade.

"And I wish I could, dig straight down, black it all away."

She jumped down.

"But in the dark,

"There's still a sound,

"And nothing changed!

"Don't know if I have ever heard you sing, but I hear it..."

She looked over at where her father disappeared around a building.

"Don't know if I have ever held your hand, but I seek it."

Losia held out her arms for her wolf, Alpine, who leapt into them.

"Don't know if I have ever loved, but I feel it!"

Alpine licked her face and she grinned.

"Put the puzzle back together, see what I'm dreaming..."

Losia turned to face the castle walls.

Alpine jumped down and they sprinted towards the gate together.

(Hey, hey)

Losia watched as the portcullis began to close.

(Hey, hey)

She narrowed her eyes determinedly. (O-o-o-o-o-h,)

(Hey, hey)

Just before it hit the ground, she slid under it, followed closely by Alpine, who copied her. Losia looked behind her as they ran on. The gate was blocked off completly. They were free.

Losia leapt into the air and threw one of her hands up in triumph. Alpine barked happily as they raced away from the castle.

"Put the puzzle back together," cried Losia.

"See what I'm dreaming," She opened her eyes wider.

"When I find the pieces!"

They sprinted across the cobblestone path, and down into the forest beyond. Alpine yipped in delight and Losia savored the wind that rushed past her as they ran down the mountain, following the winding cobblestone path.


They ran through a clear, blue puddle on the road, the droplets sparkling in the sun.

They reached the end of the cobble road, where it opened up to a large plain.

They leapt across lilypads as they crossed a small pond.

"Don't know if I have ever loved, but I feel it!"

Losia hopped from one green pad to another happily.

"Put the puzzle back together, see what I'm dreaming!"

She jumped onto the bank, followed by Alpine.

"When I find the pieces!"

Losia sprinted up a hill, leaping up at two blocks a time, with Alpine on her heels.

"When I find the pieces!"

She made it to the top of the cliff and looked down.

"When I find the pieces!"

The valley stretched out beneath her.

"When I find the pieces!"

A breeze swept across the cliff, and through Losia's hair.

(Hey, hey)

She breathed out joyfully.

(Hey, hey)

Alpine came to her side.



This song (Find the Pieces) was made by TryHardNinja for Captinsparklez' Fallen Kingdom  quadrilogy. Find the Pieces is the third song, coming after Take Back the Night and before Dragonhearted.

The story above is a cut from one of my books, Dragon Castle - a series about a young Minecraft knight and her quest to find every dragon egg in her world before her father, the King, does. Coming soon. :)

A Minecraft Tale - The White EyesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum