Chapter 24: A Long Task

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Yes, it was me! How was it me? Well, let me tell you:


Before I'd even known that we would have our own server, I'd watched a video that showed you how to make a redstone contraption, which, if done and hidden correctly, would make redstone torches look like a pair of blinking red eyes, like you see in those monster movies.

I thought it was a shame that I couldn't test it out myself, as there was no way for me to play with my friends. Then they said they'd created a server.

After I got Minecraft working again (It had logged me out and I had no clue what my password or e-mail address for it was), I joined my friends' server. They showed me everything, which I thought was pretty cool. Cally had rigged up the redstone, and Midnight had designed and decorated our house.

I was building a dock one day when I remembered that video I'd watched. So I snuck away, searched up the video again, and built the redstone contraption that mystified us for weeks. To be fair, I was being sort of truthful. I had no clue how it actually worked, and I'd never seen a redstone comparator used in a redstone device before.

So, I made it and hid it in a nearby cave.

And then you know the story.

Well, you should, you just finished reading most of it.

My friends followed me to the cave, but they didn't quite give me the result I was looking for. Instead of being frightened, they were curious, and in no time they'd set about trying to figure out how it worked.

I actually said when they first saw it and started digging around it that it hadn't had the effect I was looking for, and that I was the builder. I guess they were too excited at finding something supernatural in our world.

When Midnight said the word, "Herobrine", it got another idea in my head. I wasn't going to scare them anymore. I was going to take us all on an adventure!

So I dug below and found the original cave that I'd blocked up. I wrote the message and placed it in a chest. I told the others that I'd found a clue. Cally read it first, then me, then Midnight. And you know what happened next.

I hadn't planted those zombies, but I was startled. After I'd read the line, 'Hard times are coming,' aloud, they just appeared. So many of them! And they shouldn't have attacked the dogs, not unless we hit them first. It's not in their code to do that, as far as I know.

So, for the next few months, I worked on building our little adventure. I found a nice-sized cave and blocked it up. I marked the way with a tree that didn't really fit the biome, but the difference was so faint that you would only notice it if you were looking for it.

As I dug through the cave, I couldn't believe my luck at finding a ravine. Perfect for my parkour test! And the Nether Portal spawned in front of a large lava-fall, and in front of it was a naturally generated Nether Fortress. It was like the game actually wanted us to go on an adventure to stop the mighty 'Herobrine'.

I really don't have a clue where the long tunnel with redstone torches came from, but Midnight must have made it. While I was building the little adventure map inside the cave, I also planted various 'Herobrine signs' around our world to try and keep their interest up. Unfortunately, it was mainly Cally and I who found them and pointed them out. Midnight was eager to find one, so I tried planting numerous ones all around the place. She did end up finding some, to our delight.

I searched up commands to make Herobrine and Steve 'speak', and I used a command generator to create them. I learned how to use redstone better, and hid buttons around the place were only I would know where to find them.

Funny thing was, THAT wasn't the true story either. That was what was supposed to happen, but I guess my friends and Minecraft had other ideas...

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