♫ Take Back the Night ♫

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S = Sophie

M = Midnight

C = Cally


The moon shines down on three players and three dogs battling their way through an invasion of zombies and skeletons.

Cally, Midnight and Sophie move quickly, trying to defend themselves against the hostile mob attacks.

Midnight cries out as she's pelted with arrows and falls to the ground. Her dog, Ocean whines as Sophie, Cally and their dogs, Suzie and Coolio, move in to protect her.


Midnight limps into the house, helped by Sophie. Cally hung back. 

She looked up at her hurt friend and her eyes filled with determination.


Sweeping into her bedroom, she looks through the player's book shelf.

C (In her head): Closet full of secrets and skeletons, awakes but nothing's true,

She looks through an old book.

C: I used to own a castle now it's boxes, that I have to move,

She opened to the page she was looking for. She looked up.

C: Right here in the darkness there's nothing left,

For me to do,

She grabbed her sword and stormed out the door.

C: It's easier to run away but today,

Today we've got to,

She mounted her horse.

C: Cast the shadows out from sight,

A final stand a shouting cry,

All the wrongs now turned to right,

So fight the past take back the night!

C: And call upon the torch tonight,

To bring out all the ghosts to light,

Because at last we have to go,

It's ti-ime-

She narrowed her eyes.

C: To take back the night!

Cally nudged her horse's flank and galloped full pelt into the forest. Sophie and Midnight watched her from one of the windows before exchanging looks of confusion.

Cally's horse thundered loudly through the peaceful forest, her hair whipping back and her tail flailing behind her. She squinted against the wind that whistled by her ears, and ignored her horse's mane as it flicked in her face.

Splash, splash!

Her horse crashed through a swampy biome, sending shattered fragments of water every where, and her eyes gleamed with adventure.

C: "To take back the night!"


Sophie and Midnight are cornered at night. A bridge in front of them has burned down.

M: "Bridges burned and broken on different sides, we start anew."

The jerk their horses around to face the mobs.

A Minecraft Tale - The White EyesWhere stories live. Discover now