Chapter 3: The Cave

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"Hey, guys!" I said, getting Midnight and Cally's attention. 

"I found this really cool cave around our base somewhere! Let's go and explore it!" 

"Yeah, in a minute," Cally replied, smiling. I should've known what that meant, because Cally is one of my best friends. But I ignored it this time. She quite literally flew out the door and down the stairs. I saw her speeding away towards the direction of the lake. I shrugged.

"I want to build some more on the bedroom while Cally does whatever she's doing," Midnight said. She began building beds for Suzie and Ocean with coloured carpet. I commanded the fake-Ocean to stand up and follow me outside. I sat her down again.

"You need a name," I told her. She barked. "And a new collar colour. I'm gonna go... Blue," I grabbed a piece of lapis from my creative inventory and dyed her collar lapis-blue. I decided to name her Lapis, after her collar's colour. After I'd clipped on Lapis' name tag, I decided to have a peep at whatever Cally was doing.

I made Lapis, Suzie and Tinsel sit in front of the front door and then whizzed off in the direction I saw Cally speeding off to. I flew over my cobblestone path, and then over my small peer. I zoomed across the river and came to the small island I saw before - except that now there was what looked like a stone tent built on top of it. Cally was walking around it, putting the finishing touches on it. I flew gently down and landed behind it. All of Cally's cats and dogs were running about. 

I was confused at first, as I peered around the corner of the stone thing at Cally. One of her dogs, a new one whom I had never seen before called Jackson, ran past me. Then, peering around I saw another new dog, one with an orange collar and the name tag Summer.

Sneaking and looking around dangerously far, I could see Cally. She had a sign in her hand and was staring up at the top of the tent - she was obviously writing a sign there. When she finished, she looked straight at me. 

"I knew you were there," She told me, grinning form ear to ear. "What's this thing?" I asked her, coming out fully from around the side of the stone tent. Cally grinned even more. 

"It's your Cool Cave, right?" She asked, giggling. 

"My, what-?"

I walked to the front of the 'cave' and Cally stepped back to let me in front. It was a tiny, two-by-two cave, with they sign above it with the words, 'Sophie's Cool Cave'.

I burst out laughing. Cally couldn't take it and laughed to. "Hey, Midnight!" Cally shouted between gasps. "Come over here!"

A second later, Midnight appeared next to me. A voice from somewhere said, "Teleported Midnight to Cally." That was Minecraft's voice.

I should warn you now; the game can talk. And it's not exactly a stranger to biased opinions or favoritism either.

"What did you do now?" Midnight asked Cally. 

"I - found - Sophie's - cool - cave!" Cally gasped, almost toppling over with laughter. Midnight's eyes flickered from the ridiculous 'cave' to the sign above it. 

Then she cried out and fell about laughing her head off. 

"What?" Cally asked innocently, grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire Cat. "It's a cool cave, right? It's got, you know, walls and a floor and a sign and look! It even has a free cat!" 

One of her ginger cats, Kitty, had walked inside. We giggled.

"C'mon guys! I have the BEST cave to show you!" I yipped, dancing about my friends.

"Okay, okay!" Midnight replied. She took off after me. She looked over her shoulder and realized that Cally wasn't following. "Cally, c'mon!" She cried. 

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