Chapter 22: A Wrapped Adventure

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"So... what now?"Cally asked.

The lava around us bubbled, seeming louder than before now that Herobrine was gone.

"Er... we go home?" I answered, walking to the gates at the back of the arena. My friends followed me. 

"He acted... kinda weird at the end, didn't he?" Midnight commented as we walked. "Not to be, like, rude or anything..."

"Yeah, he went sort of silent and then stammered, like he thought he'd done something wrong in front of an audience." Cally agreed.

I stayed quiet.

"He sort of acted like he was playing the part at the end didn't he?" Midnight replied.

I coughed loudly as we reached the gate.

"You okay?" Cally asked me.

"Yep. I'm fine." I answered, pushing open the gate for my friends.

"Okay, but you've been pretty silent. Well, until you started singing. That was ridiculous." Midnight laughed, walking through the open gate.

"Hey, my singing saved your lives!" I pointed out, walking in after them. 

Midnight thought about this as we walked down the thin bridge. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right." She admitted.

"So I can keep singing?" I asked excitedly.

"NO!" shouted Midnight and Cally at the same time.

"Aw..." I whined.

We came to the small platform which had two blocks of gold stacked on top of eachother next to a pressure plate. A sign on the top block read 'the way home.'

Exchanging uncertain glances at eachother, Midnight stepped on the plate and disappeared. Cally stepped on it next and she too disappeared. I stepped on it last.


But instead of seeing rolling green hills and fresh green trees, I saw the darkness of nether brick. We had been teleported to a small room in the nether fortress. There were no windows of any sort. Small rows of glowstone in the ceiling lit the room up. And at one end was a person.

A person with brown hair. A person wearing a cyan shirt. A person with kind purple eyes. A person who looked almost exactly like the enemy we had just fought. 

"Steve!?" cried Cally in disbelief. Steve grinned and nodded.

"Hey guys." He replied, waving one of his hands. I let Midnight and Cally to the front. I hung in the back.

"But... how-?" whispered Midnight.

Steve looked on a clock he had tied to his wrist by a piece of string. Then he looked up at us.

"Now, you may be surprised to hear that that Herobrine down there was a complete fake." He announced. He looked around at Midnight and Cally's unamused faces.

"Hm. Guess not. Well, you'd say it was me, and you'd be correct. I was the one pretending to be Herobrine down there," Steve inclined with his head to the corner of the room.

"I knew it!" shrieked Cally. "I knew there was something funny about you! You never actually attacked us, and you gave us somewhere to tie up our horses so they wouldn't wonder off. The real Herobrine wouldn't do that would he?"

Steve nodded. "I should know."


"Now, I was the Herobrine down there, but I never set this place up. I just came for the fake Herobrine bit. The real 'Herobrine' has been with you the whole time." Steve said.

Midnight and Cally looked at eachother, bewildered.

I grinned.

"Thanks Steve, mate. It was a big help." I said to him. 

He grinned like a Cheshire Cat as Midnight and Cally slowly turned around to face me.

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