Songs! (♫ Gimme Back My Pig♫)

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Now, the real story is over.

This will just be filled with random Minecraft songs and even more random stories to go with them.

The first one has been highly suggested by...

Midnight, Midnight and Midnight.

Any objections?

Yes? Oh, well, I'm afraid that's too bad.

Here we go: First Song.....

Gimme Back My Pig by the Minecraft Jams team.

M = Midnight


An Endermite scurried left and right frantically. It squeaked with fright and tried desperately to slip under a fence. To the Endermite, it was worse than the Wither. A hand reached back in and pulled it out by the tail.

Midnight held it up high proudly and then bowled it across the grass like a bowling ball. It slammed into ten arrows that were loosely stuck in the ground in a triangle. They all exploded out of the ground.

Midnight jumped around gladly, and Sophie and Cally slapped their foreheads. Midnight's pig squealed happily, and other animals like cows and chickens celebrated too.

She likes to play by the water near her house

Just havin' fun with the chickens and the cows.

Two villagers snuck up on the pig.

There's never been any danger than was beggin',

The villagers grabbed the pig.

Till an ugly villager just snuck up and stole a pig.

Midnight realised the pig was gone. Sophie and Cally stepped backwards.

They ran away to the saftey of their town,

Midnight ran to her house.

They never thought a little girl would track them down,

Midnight geared up.

A diamond sword and a helmet on her head,

Roaring like a tiger she walked up them and said...

Midnight stormed into the village to the village center.


And nobody gets hurt,"

The villagers cowered.

M: "Hand me back what's mine,

Or you're gonna eat dirt."

She raised her sword.

M: "I might be a little girl, 

but I think BIG!"

Midnight pointed it at the villagers.

M: "So do what's right or I will fight,"

The villagers backed away.

M: "Gimme back my pig."

She stomped toward the pair that had stolen the pig and raised her sword. They trembled and pressed closer together. She glared at both of them.

The other villagers ran from the village square, and one of the pair tried to run too.

Midnight put her foot out and he tripped into the dirt. She hovered over him and behind her, the other one tried to make a run for it. She stuck her other foot out without looking and he fell too.

But the villagers had traded him away,

They sold the pig on the very next day,

She said-

M: "You'd better tell me who you sold him to,

or there'll be no stopping to what I will do to you!"

In a flash they were squealing like the pig,

They sold him to the zombies for the highest bet,

Oh, uh huh, she was riding like the pig,

She caught up to the zombies and she shouted once again...

Midnight galloped to them on her horse.


And nobody gets hurt,

Give me back what's mine,

or you're gonna eat dirt,

I might be a little girl,

but I think BIG!

So do what's right or I will fight,"

The zombies turned around. 

M: "Gimme back my pig."

Midnight's horse reared and the zombies shrieked with fright, trying to run away but bumping into eachother instead. Midnight caught up with them and ran a ring around them, forcing the three monsters into a tight circle.

"You should've listened to me you bad zombies," Midnight growled. "Now you're gonna make me mad, and you won't like it when I'm mad."

The horse ran around them faster and Midnight threw a lead around them, tying them up super tight. The zombies growled and snarled, but they were trapped.

Midnight jumped from her thundering horse's back and landed in front of them, her sword drawn.

M: "Gimme back my pig!"

The zombies stuggled, trying to get away.

M: "Gimme back my pig!"

They stopped and stared at her, wide-eyed as she took a step to wards them.

M: "Gimme back my pig!"

She swiped at one of them and it roared.

M: "Gimme back my pig!"

The zombies nodded and one of them pulled out a chest. The pig jumped out and stood beside her.

Midnight smiled at them.

"Thank you."


Oh, dear.

I suppose no one told those villagers and zombies to NEVER touch Midnight's pig. Trust me, Cally learned that lesson too when she thought it would be fun to hide Midnight's pig.

Not as fun as she thought.

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