Chapter 10: No Flint and Steel for Midnight

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"Are you kidding me Midnight?!" I cried, scrambling to my feet and pushing an elytron (Yes, that is the singular word for elytra) off my head. 

Midnight burst into laughter.

"Teleported Cally to Sophie!" Minecraft piped in happily as Cally appeared beside me. "What happened?" She asked. She must've heard me shouting. Then she spotted the tree and took to the skies, gliding around it to take it all in. 

"Set up, or what?" Cally asked, aspirated. "No." Midnight replied, gliding off in pursuit. "Just shouldn't have been given a flint and steel." I watched them, abashed, as they flew around the burning tree. As it was alone, we didn't even bother putting it out.

Then I remembered it was night. I hated playing around at night. "Minecraft, set the time to day." I commanded in a loud voice. "Set the time to day." Minecraft sighed, as if it wished that I'd left it dark. Midnight stopped flying around and hovered, grinning. "I'll going to set fire to more things!" She teased, before taking off towards a forest. 

"Midnight, get rid of the flint and steel!" Cally shouted after her, hovering above the tree and cupping her hands around her mouth. "Nope!" Came the cheeky reply.

Cally smiled knowingly. "You'd better get rid of it!" She said playfully. "Nope!" Midnight sang back.

"I'll give you three seconds!




Then she grinned even wider. "Minecraft," She said in a posh, I won kind of voice. "Clear Midnight's inventory!" 

"Midnight's inventory cleared, including 19 items," Minecraft squeaked excitedly. It always loves frustrating players. Or, maybe it's just me.

"NO!" Midnight's voice cried. Cally and I laughed. "No matter! I can get it again!" 

"Oh, no you won't!

Minecraft, clear Midnight't inventory!"

"Midnight's inventory cleared, including 1 item!" The game yipped in delight.

"Hey, Cally," I said at last, trotting underneath her and looking up. "Want to come and see my new dogs?" She looked down at me. "Sure." 

"I found an upside-down dog!" Midnight's voice cried out. 

"That's Dinnerbone! Don't steal him!" I shouted back.

That was probably a pretty silly thing to say, because no sooner had I led Cally down to where my dogs were sitting had she stolen Teagan and hassled her onto a boat. 

"GIVE ME BACK MY DOG!" I shouted, zooming after them as Cally sped down the lake, like a cartoon character. "No way!" Cally cried back over her shoulder. "She's mine now!" As I chased them, Teagan looked back at me. She barked and grinned at me before whipping her head back around. 

"TEAGAN!" I yapped, speeding after them.

At last, Cally had to got AFK for a few seconds. I took the chance to break her boat, plunging them both into the water, and take off back to shore. Teagan teleported to me and I hid her away. Cally came back online, only to find herself at the bottom of the lake. She burst to the surface and made straight for Penny.

Before I could save her, Cally had smuggled her onto another boat and was speeding out across the lake. I let her go, to buy time to hide the other dogs. While I did so, I heard Cally shout, "Minecraft, clear Midnight's inventory!"

"Midnight's inventory cleared, including 2 items," 



As soon as I'd hidden the dogs, I had to go, leaving Penny in Cally's clutches.

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