Chapter 20: The Final Battle

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All my years of Minecraft experience lead up to this. The time I would fight Herobrine with two of my best friends.

Granted, I was still a little clumsy at times, but now wasn't the time to talk about that.

Midnight and Cally walked over to join me in front of the pressure plate. 

"Okay... so who's first?" I asked, almost cheerfully.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Midnight cried, looking at me in disbelief. "I'm not going in there!"

"Why do we have to fight Herobrine anyway?" Cally interjected angrily. "We passed his test and earned our pets back!"

 "Because if you don't go, I will destroy you and everything you hold dear in this world," Herobrine's voice answered, echoing around the fortress and sounding almost as angry as Cally.

We jumped. 

"Alright, so back to the previous question, who's first?" I repeated.

Midnight and Cally looked at eachother. 

"Not me, that's for sure," Midnight said. 

"I'm not going either," Cally shot back.

"An evil place with scorching fire,"

They looked at me.


"You watch me build a Nether Portal-"

Midnight and Cally hit me over the head at the same time. "No singing!" Midnight said.

"Oww..." I whined.

"I have an idea," Cally said. "Because you're so eager to get us in there-" She shoved me forward, -"You can go in yourself!"

I stumbled and then regained by balance. "Really feeling the Best Friend relationship here, guys." I said to them. They shrugged.

I spun around again to face the pressure plate and breathed in. Then I stepped on the plate and disappeared.


I spawned somewhere in the lava sea on a diamond-shaped platform of Nether Brick and gold. Glowstone every few steps lit the platform up. At the end opposite me was a pair of gates that lead out onto a thin bridge which then lead out to a tiny platform in the sea. Looking up to my right, I noticed the Nether Fortress in the distance.

I heard the thud as Cally spawned next to me, and then Midnight on the other side.

The platform was abandoned apart from us three.

"Do you think he's waiting to ambush us?" Midnight whispered in my ear.

"Oi, Herobrine!" Cally shouted, stepping out. "You want to fight or not? Show yourself!"

A sound like an enderman teleporting made me look up. Herobrine was floating in the air, his head facing the ground. "You want a fight?" His voice rasped.

"Um... yes?" Cally replied, stepping back uncertainly.

Herobrine lifted his head to reveal his glowing, white eyes. 

"The it's a fight you've got."

Then he killed us all and took over our world and everyone cried.

The End.

A Minecraft Tale - The White EyesWhere stories live. Discover now