Chapter 4: The Fires

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We pelted out of the cave as fast as we could. There was no way we were going to stay down there. Our dogs teleported to us as we ran. When we reached the house, we sat the dogs down and took deep breaths. "That's creepy," Midnight said. "Yeah," Cally and I agreed.

"I'm gonna go and do some stuff," Cally grinned. Once again, I should have seen the warning signs, but I ignored them.

She flew out the doors. Midnight went upstairs to do whatever she felt like doing.

I continued to build my cobblestone path.

A while later, a voice said, "Teleported Midnight to Cally."

I looked up in surprise. Why was Cally teleporting Midnight to her? Had she found something? Was she going to teleport me there, too? I waited, but nothing happened. "Minecraft, teleport Sophie to Cally." I said in a loud voice. Then I was suddenly falling from the air. I landed next to a tall, acacia wood tree - and it was on fire!

I cried out in alarm and rose into the air. It wasn't just this tree, either. Most of the trees near this one were alight too! Midnight and Cally were zooming around them, putting out the fire with their fire-proof hands. I joined in. 

"What happened!?" I asked them in shock as I swiped at one of the leaf blocks. The flames danced out of my reach and spread to the other leaves on the tree. I grumbled and continued swatting at the fire. 

Midnight streaked past me, batting her hands at the flames. They went out with a sizzling hiss. "We don't know. Cally just found the trees like this," She replied, swiping her hands across the fire like an angry cat swatting an annoying fly.

Finally, all of the trees were out, although a few were naked trunks now, and other had holes all through their wood. At least we'd stopped the wildfire from reaching our forest, where it would have burnt down all of our trees and maybe even our home.

Exhausted and bored of doing nothing but putting out fires for the past fifteen minutes, Midnight and I zipped towards home. But when I looked back, Cally was streaking in the opposite way. I screeched to a halt in the air and watched her go.

Where was she going?

I looked back at where Midnight had already landed at the front door. She walked inside. I looked at our house, then back in the direction Cally had sped off to. Go back home, or follow my suspicious friend?

Finally I made up my mind and tore off in the direction I had last seen Cally.

There was always more room for adventure.

And what could be more adventurous at this point than following one of your best friends as she races off somewhere?

I streaked over the landscape. I crossed over form taiga forests to normal oak and birch. Even from where I was up high, I could still see the beautiful colours of the flowers and ponds beneath me as I went whizzing by. Blues and reds and greens and yellows and pinks and purples, and some strange on that looked like Cally on a tree, and whites and -

Wait, Cally on a tree?

I stopped abruptly, throwing the front of my body forwards. I bounced back and peered below me. Cally was crouching on the top of one of the oak trees. 

I drifted gently downwards and landed on another tree near her, as light as a feather. I peeked over a leaf block, watching. I saw the flash of something silver from Cally's hand.

Then she suddenly straightened up. I ducked down a little, ready to duck completely out of sight should she turn around. I smelled smoke. I saw the bright flames. Cally took off, zooming into the air. I crouched lower as she took off overhead. I didn't have any time to put out the fire - I had to catch my friend!

I saw Cally's furry blue tail blowing in the wind as I followed her, flying pull pelt. My own, much thinner and less-furred tail was whipping around behind me like a lasso. The wind whistled in my small, cat-like ears. I chased Cally over the landscape. But she didn't look back at all.

Maybe she doesn't know I'm chasing her, I thought. 

Then, she suddenly dove down. I dove down after her. She landed on another tree. I flew to the ground and peered up at her through the leaves. I heard the click and scrape of flint and steel. Then she flew away again, leaving a tiny fire on the tree's leaves.

Again, had I not been so intent on chasing her, I would've stopped the flames myself. But I sprinted out from under the tree and took off after Cally. I wasn't entirely sure why she was doing this, but I did have one idea.

She was trying to make it seem like Herobrine had lit the trees alight.

He was known to do such things. 

I veered to the left as Cally suddenly changed direction. I followed her over hills and waterfalls. A couple of pig, who were grazing on one of the hill sides, looked up at me as we flew past. I put my finger to my lips. They watched us fly by lazily.

At last, Cally zoomed down to another tree. This time, I was less-careful with my approach. I slammed, head-first, into the tree next to her. I shook my head. Then I flattened myself up against the leaf blocks, listening for the tell-tale crack that meant that Cally had lit another fire.

She suddenly streaked over above me. I pushed off of the leaf blocks and raced after her.

I was just about to shout out to her when she suddenly disappeared into thin air. I stopped in surprise.

"Teleported Cally to Midnight." Minecraft reported.

I growled.

"Minecraft, teleport Sophie to Cally." I said aloud.

Then I was suddenly standing at the front door of the house. I caught a glimpse of Cally's white-tipped tail vanish around the door frame. "Teleported Sophie to Cally." Minecraft barked to us.

"Thanks," I replied under my breath. I knew there was no point in talking to a game, but it was a habit of mine. I trotted through the door to find Cally and Midnight standing in the room. "There you are!" Midnight exclaimed when she saw me. Cally turned to face me too.

"I wondered where you and Cally got to!" Midnight yapped. "One second you're behind me, the next you're flying off to who-knows-where." 

"I was following Cally," I said to her, shooting a sideways glance at Cally. Her large, blue ears twitched and her tail paused in it's gentle waving for a few seconds. "She's the one who's been setting fire around the place!" Midnight didn't look surprised at all by this news.

"Oh, I know. She's trying to make us think it's Herobrine." Midnight said casually. "I am, right here you know," Cally piped up. Midnight turned to her. "How'd you make that cool contraption, Cally?" She asked. 

Cally flattened her ears. "I didn't. I told you, I don't know how to make things like that, it made no sense." Midnight crossed her arms. "You told me you didn't know what started those fires either," She pointed out. "Oh, whatever. I'm telling you, I DIDN'T make that thing," Cally said firmly. 

"Anyway, want to see the new stuff I've added to the library?"

We nodded and splashed into the pond after our friend.

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