Chapter 7: Our New Server

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I think we'd all forgotten now about Herobrine. And I hope that HE'D forgotten about US.

Now that Midnight had found out how to get her own server, Cally wanted one too. So she created a new profile on the website and started her own server. Luckily for me though, I could be there right from the start.

In the new world, there were huge, and I mean HUGE mountains. There were even a few small floating islands in the sky. We each chose a mountain and began building whatever we liked. Midnight's was perched on a small ledge near the top of her mountain. She dug into the rock to make a large, room home for herself. She had a tiny garden protruding from the cliff, where she could look down and see my house. I'd built a small house on a bigger ledge, and a bridge connected out homes together. Mine was about eight or so blocks down from Midnight's, the ledge it rested on faced into the small but steep gully between the two twin mountains.

Cally's home was further away. She set up her home at the top of a mountain that was far behind mine. We carved a tunnel out of my mountain, and then joined us all up with a small, three-block-wide bridge. Her house was pretty much floating, with the main entrance sitting on the top if her mountain. It was a two-story house, with large glass windows and a garden all around.

We loved living in the mountains - especially since we had elytra wings! We play out servers in Minecraft 1.11.2, so we could apply fireworks to the elytra for rocket-propelled elytra flight!

I made fireworks that burst into a star shape, and then faded in a different colour than the one it burst as. My fireworks exploded into a bright, yellow star, and then faded to red before disappearing. Cally's burst a a brilliant lapis blue colour, then faded to a dark, inky black. Midnight's fireworks boomed into a pretty, light pink before fading to a light, sky blue.

By the end of our first day, we'd gotten pretty good at flying. Well, the other two did anyway.

I kept managing to slam into walls, trees, houses, pigs, Midnight and Cally, anything that was possible to crash into, really. Once, I tried about three times to land on Midnight's front door, as she stood there watching me. The first time, I smacked straight into the wall and fell down into the gully below. The second time, I landed on the front door, but slid off. the next time, I missed the doorway completely and flew right over the bridge, into the wall. I just gave up after that, and trailed up the stairway like a normal human being with my tail waving behind me.

And remember those floating islands I told you about?

Well, Cally had the best idea for one of her islands.

I was flying around, listening to the constant boom-boom-boom of the fireworks behind me. Then I saw her island. I crashed into it. I picked myself up and looked around me, my eyebrows raised. "Er, Cally? Why are there pigs on your island?" I called. 

It was a pig's island. Pigs everywhere, some of them were even falling off time to time. One of them poked my legs with it's chubby little snout. "Cally?" I called out again, louder. "Yeah?" Cally's voice replied, echoing along the mountain walls. 

"Why are there mounds of pigs on your island?"

I heard her laugh a little. "Oh, nevermind about that. Just... just don't worry about it." I shrugged. Then I jumped off the island and dove for the ground. I spread my elytra and set off a firework in my hand. I soared upwards and between the mountains, leaving a crackling trail of golden sparks behind me.

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