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Thanks LuaKitsune for giving me this idea.

Ezra woke early on Friday morning.
He looked over at his clock to see it read six a-clock.
With a sigh, he rolled over and tried to get some more sleep.
But after ten minutes of fruitless attempts, he gave up and decided to take one last check for everything he needed.
He quietly got up, not wanting to wake Sabine who was still sleeping peacefully.
Ezra opened his bag and took a through search then something clicked.
The Firebolt.
It was still locked up in Miss Atama's cupboard!
Biting his lip, he wondered what to do.


Ezra whipped round.
The green snake slithered towards him.

"Oh, it's you" Ezra sighed.

"What's with the bag? Thinking of running away?" The snake hissed.

"No. Sabine and I are getting adopted today" Ezra replied.

The snake put its head to the side.

"Adopted?" It inquired curiosly.

"Yeah. It's when someone takes you in to their care" Ezra explained.

"Sounds nice. I wish you both the best."

Ezra noticed a sad tone in the snakes voice.

"Hey" he said getting an idea.

"Why don't you come with us? I'm sure Kanan won't mind. He's the guy adopting us. I can explain to him your tame."

The snake smiled.

"Thank you Bridger. I'm sure any other home isss better than here."

Ezra patted its head.

"You never told me your name" Ezra suddenly realised.

"Scales" the snake replied.

"Alright then Scales. I'll need to introduce you to Sabine later. For now, I'll need you to stay out of sight okay?"

"Agreed" the snake hissed slithering into Ezra's open bag.

Ezra smiled and closed it, but left an opening in the zip line so the snake could breathe.

Sabine woke at seven that morning.
Ezra decided to wait for the introduction of the snake and the two Bridgers got dressed.
The siblings went down the stairs and were surprised to see Miss Atama sitting at the dining table reading a news paper.

"Good morning miss" Sabine said as they came in.

"Hello. You can whip up some toast for me, and a cup of tea as well. Come on, jump to it. While we're still young" she snapped.

"Good morning to you too" Ezra muttered rolling his eyes as they went into the kitchen.

The toast and tea were made and brought to the headmistress as ordered.
Ezra and Sabine went back into the kitchen and got their own breakfast.

"Excuse me miss, but what time is Kanan Jarrus coming?" Ezra asked.

"This evening. Is everything tidied up?"

"Everything miss. Is there anything else you wanted us to do?" Sabine asked.

"No. Just stay out of the way and don't mess with anything" Miss Atama replied.

"Oh, and I want you to take this and get that broomstick out of the cupboard" she tossed Ezra some keys.

"Thank you Miss."

The Bridger siblings collected the dishes and went back to their room.
Before they did, they went into the room the Firebolt was in and opened the locks.
Ezra took it out, a smile unable to come off his face.
Sure there was a few cobwebs here and there, and it was covered in a fine layer of thick dust. But other than that, there was no damage what so ever.
They took it into their room where Ezra put it on his bed.
"I want to show you something" Ezra suddenly said going to his bag.

"What?" Sabine asked closing the door behind her and going over to her brother.
Ezra unzipped his bag and put his hand in.

"Here Scales. Atta boy" he said.

The snake slithered up Ezra's hand and sat on his palm.

"Woah!" Sabine yelped backing away.

"Don't worry Sabine. He's tame" Ezra told her, standing.

"Not venomous?" Sabine asked approaching.

"No. Right Scales?"

"Not poisonesssss​ no" Scales hissed.

"What?" Ezra asked when he Sabine staring.

"You just spoke Paseltongue" she told him.

"How'd it sound?" Ezra asked.

"I'll try to say it. Siiih hargh seeth" Sabine said.

"That's what I sound like?" Ezra asked.

"Yup. Kinda. You sound better saying it though" Sabine replied.

"So! This is the snake that nearly frightened the life out of Miss Atama then?"

"Yup. Sabine this is Scales. I'm taken him with us" Ezra said.

"Are you mad?!" Sabine stared.

"He could wreck the chance of having a family!"

The snakes head drooped.

"What did I say?"

"Scales lost his family Sabine. He's been on his own with no love for years" Ezra replied.

"Just like us" Sabine said with concern.
She came closer to the snake and stroked it.

"Don't worry Scales, we'll take care of you" she promised.

Evening was a long time coming. Ezra and Sabine spent most of their time up in their bedroom. Telling Scales about their past and their best times in the orphanage. As they talked, Ezra was cleaning the Firebolt up.

"Remember when all the kids here got in to a massive tickle war?" Sabine asked Ezra.

"Oh yeah. It was so long ago I actually forgot. Huh, the laughter was really loud" Ezra smiled recalling the memory.

"Miss Atama gave us a right talking to" Sabine told Scales.

"You were trying to have fun" the Snake hissed.

"It'ssss not your fault she doesn't understand what fun meanssss."

"I totally agree with you Scales" Ezra nodded.

The snake was curled up on Ezra's knee. The two Bridger siblings were leaning against Sabine's bed frame.

"How many other children were here?" Scales asked.

"Hmm. Four others. There was Ben Kingsly and Kenta Hiyo" Ezra remembered.

"And two girls, Ioanna Davis and Jazmin Thorn" Sabine added.

"So two boys and two girls. And they all got adopted?"

"Yeah. We've been living here for about three years now" Sabine sighed.

"Why wouldn't anyone adopt you? You seem nice enough" Scales said.

"Thanks. And I've been asking myself the same question for years" Ezra replied running a hand though his raven blue hair.

Miss Atama got the kids downstairs at seven that evening.
The snake was back in Ezra's bag when Miss Atama came in. Yelling at them to get downstairs.
Ezra and Sabine waited impatiently​ and excitedly beside Miss Atama.
They stood in the hall, waiting for Kanan to come.

"Excuse me Miss Atama?" Ezra asked.

"Yes Bridger?" Miss Atama spat.

"Is Kanan married?"

"I haven't the slightest clue. And if he is, I want you two to do exactly what you're told. Never back talk and if they ask you to do something you do it. Understand?"

"Yes Miss" the children promised.


There was suddenly two loud thuds on the front door.
Kanan Jarrus had arrived.

Suggestions are appreciated and welcome.
Sorry for the cliffhanger.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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