Chapter Thirty-two

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"What is he doing here?!" I exclaim pointing at Zac who is sitting comfortably inside the car smiling sheepishly.

"I invited him." Dad says with a big smile on his face as he walk pass me and into the car.

"What? I thought this is a family trip."

"It is."

"Then why is he here?"

"He's like a family, you know."


"Stop talking and get in. We should go now." Dad says as he turns the engine on.

"But – "

"No buts. Get in. Now." Mom firmly says.

I groan and step inside the car taking the only vacant seat beside Zac. I make sure not to sit too close to him. I push myself to the side as much as possible putting as much distance between us. This is the first time I've seen him since the last time we have been together.

My face heats up as I remember what happened back then - The confession. The kiss. The thought if it brings a tingling sensation on my belly.

I shake my head lightly trying to erase it out of my mind. I plug in my earphones and try to relax listening to the music as I look outside. On the periphery of my vision, I could see him looking intensely at me. I act like as if it's nothing and continue on looking outside acting like he is not there at all.

It feels so awkward. After what happened last time, I don't know how to act towards him.

Should I act like nothing happened and be just like before? Nah. We already kissed. That's impossible. I could not act like how I used to with him with what happened.

Should I end our friendship? I think that's over-reacting.

What am I supposed to do?

I scratch my head in frustration. My phone vibrates all of a sudden making me startle.

Don't overthink it. I read Zac's text. I immediately look at him and see that he is somehow sleeping peaceful with his head perfectly leaning on the headrest. His right eye opens slightly catching me looking at him, and then a playful smile splits his face. He closes his eyes fully again and pretends that he's sleeping.

I clench my teeth and look away. Was I too obvious? Somehow, I feel embarrassed.

My phone keeps on vibrating but I just let it be. I don't want to take a look at it since I already know who is texting me. Then suddenly, my phone vibrates nonstop receiving a call from someone. I glare at Zac to see that he is still pretending to be asleep.

I reject his call. Instead of putting away my phone, I somehow read his texts.

Can you at least act casual with me?

No reply, really?

Pick up your phone!!!!

Do you hate that I am here now?

Do you hate me?

My heart flinches as I read the last message.

No. I reply.

Then why are you so far?

I am not. We are sitting beside each other.

Not quite though. You look like you're about to jump off the car.

I'm not.

You are. Are you avoiding me?

Why are you texting me when we are sitting next to each other? I reply, avoiding the question.

Because you don't want to talk to me. Why are you avoiding me?

I'm not.

You are. We need to talk about this.

We are already.

Ha Ha. Nice try, babe. We'll talk about this.

I put my phone down after reading his message and lean my head on the headrest and try to sleep. My phone still keeps on vibrating but I do not bother to even take a look at it.

* * *

I sit on the sand looking at my mom and dad swimming together enjoying the water. They look like children goofing around having fun. It has been a while since the three of us went to a beach and I'm happy that they look like they are having fun.

"Don't you want to join them?" Zac says as he sits beside me. I remain silent and move a little away from him. "What's the deal? You've been like this all they long." His voice is full of worry and uneasiness. "Do you hate me because of what happened last time?"

I instantly turn to face him. "No." I say softly.

The sadness on his face lifts lightly. "Then why are you doing this?"

I look away and take a deep sigh. "I don't know. I'm still in shock I guess."

"Okay." He laughs painfully. "Was it a big shock to you?"



I shrug. "I don't know. Maybe it's because I was not expecting it at all."


"What's with that question?" I chuckle.

"I mean it. Why were you not expecting it when I always tell you how I feel all the time? Don't my feeling reach you?" He says painfully, meaning every word he says. "It's ironic how everyone knows how I feel for you except you. Your parents know I love you, your friends do, and everyone does except you." He chuckle. "Please don't hate me because I love you."

"Zac -." Our eyes meet and suddenly my heart aches looking at him with a sad expression panted on his face.

"Please don't hate me because I love you." He repeats.

"Zac listen to me. I don't hate you. I was just overwhelmed, okay? I'm sorry if I avoided you. I am just confused and I don't know what to do. I'm sorry."

"Can I hug you?" He asks all of a sudden.


"I want to hug you so bad right now, can I?"

I nod.

He immediately scoops me with his arms and embraces me tightly. "Damn. I have fallen so badly."

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