1st Ask/Dare

124 15 12

_Blouse_Sasha_ Dared:

Okay I dare you, to kiss Armin on the cheek in front of Mikasa and Eren'

Jean paled at that, looking at the red headed girl with a incredulously expression.

Before he groaned at that, finally realizing the implications of doing such a dare. He sighed and put his face in his palms, a tint of red spreading across his cheeks.

"You guys really want me to die a quick death..." He muttered under his breath.



The Dare:

"Hey, horse face!" Eren called out, teasing the male with his favorite nickname to infuriate the teen. As he spotted the ash blonde male quickly approaching them, hands behind his back and he looks to be sweating?

For some reason.

Armin and Mikasa looked over to see the approaching male who stopped in front of them.

Jean ignored Eren's call, not even attempting to defend himself and engage into a argument between the two.

He looked at Armin, stopping in front of him, his hair flopping in front of his eyes, hiding them from view.

And he quickly leaned over, bending down and-

Kissing Armin on the cheek, shocking the trio of friends.

A flush showing on the two males, Armin's more brighter than Jean's.

A sweet, short kiss that lasted for a few seconds, a few seconds that put the Shiganshina trio in immediate shock.

Eren's jaw dropped, flabbergasted while Mikasa stared sharply, eyes glinting in the light.

Before Jean lifted his head up, ending the kiss with a red face, his face sweating even more as he looked at the two.

Mikasa, sweet beautiful Mikasa glared at him harshly.

She was the one who broke the silence, speaking.

"Jean, run."

And Jean paled at that, his fears coming to light as Eren was shaken out of his shock, face contorting in anger.

He stared laughing nervously before booking it, using his fast, long legs to run for his life.

Mikasa charging after him with Eren close by, hurling and screaming insults at him.

And Armin watched the scene before him, a large blush on his face as he clutched his cheek.

The cheek where Jean kissed him.

He ducked his head at that, his face flushing as red as a ripe tomato.


The nurse raised an eyebrow at the groaning and bandaged Scout, looking down at her clipboard.

"Never again." Jean muttered, dazed from the beating that he took. "Never again."

A unknown Doctor peeked from behind the nurse at that.

"One of them?" He muttered, the nurse nodding at his question, responding.

He groaned at that, glancing at the other injured patient as he cheered, looking at the papers he received.

"Whooo! Another Dare!" Connie cheered, Jean groaned in misery of being stuck with his bald headed friend who would surely drive him nuts.


_Blouse_Sasha_ Asked:

'If you were a Titan Shifter, what do you think your Titan look like?'

Jean looked up the paper that he read, looking deep in thought at that peculiar question.

"To be honest, I've really never thought about that." He shrugged, raising his shoulders at that.

"I mean maybe some skinless Titan with my facial features. Obviously more taller than Eren's of course." He snorted at that, crossing his arms. "15 Feet, I can go for at least a 17 or 18 Feet Titan."

"But since I'm a wiry and quick person, I guess my Titan form would rely more on speed and dexterity, with longer legs. But I don't know what my special power and stuff would be like." He answered, looking thoughtful, trying to brainstorm ideas.

"Maybe with the crystallization power that Annie and Eren has? I don't know." He sighed.

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