5th Dare

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@TheRealCaptainClean Dared:

'Admin: *Covers Levi's ears* I dare you to trash Levi's office and blame it on Eren.

Levi: *Didn't hear a word of it'

Jean started sweating nervously under the Captain's deadpan look, staring at him intensely as he nervously backed away, nodding at the Admin while his own Admin snickered, giving him a pitying look at he ran off.

"What the fuck did you tell him, you little shit?" Levi grunted to the Admin, eyes narrowing as he/she uncovered his ears.

A snicker was his response which he rolled his eyes at.

"Brats..." He muttered.


"Is he coming back?" Jean urgently hissed towards the stationed red haired Scout. Who was stationed there to guard Levi's office and watch for Levi in case he came back for Jean.

The female only shook her hair at that, responding to him.

"Nope, Connie must be doing his part in distracting him really well." She responded which Jean sighed in relief, closing the door before resuming to trash Levi's office which was a terrible mess.

Some of his friends jumped onboard to help Jean trash the Captain's office either because they were petty and spiteful about being personally punished by him or just they really wanted to see how he would react.

Jean was urgently trying to make a large shitty mess with the rug wet and overturned, papers scattered everywhere.

The desk was leaning against the wall, he didn't dare try to ruin the portraits but tilted them to infuriate the Captain's possible OCDness.

Plus he tossed some food on the floor that Sasha bagged for him.

He guessed he was finished since he didn't really wanted to be caught in the act plus he was very paranoid.

Checking over his uniform, adjusting and dusting some stuff off to look innocent. Fixing it up before soon quickly rushing out of the room, surprising his watching friend.

The red head let out a small whistle before turning her head around from back to fro before soon booking it.


Carrying some random paperwork that he was supposed to deliver to the Captain as he rushed over to the irked and pissed off short black haired man.

"C-Captain Levi!" He hurriedly yelled, gaining his attention which he turned around, crossing his arms.

The Lance Corporal raised his eyebrow at the out of breath Jean who looked like he returned from sparring judging from the few fading bruises and scrapes.

"What is it?" He snapped, disgruntled as his glare harshened which made Jean take a small step back in fear.

Jean adjusted the grip on the paperwork that he carried, sweating nervously under his sharp gaze, can't giving out a salute to him due to the things that he is carrying.

"Y-your office!" He hurriedly said, making Levi more irked at that.

"What about my office?" He growled, aura darkening at that.

"E-Eren did it! I-I saw him trash your office!" He squeaked as he continued.

Which set off a chain reaction in Levi's cold face, expressions twisting and contorting his stoic which was a funny sight despite that it scared the shit out of Jean.

"Ereeennn..." He hissed, voice low and dangerous, eyes glinting and face shadowed. A snarl coming out of his throat before he pushed Jean out of the way, making him stumble.

Which he panicked at as he tried to catch all of the papers while the Captain marched to unleash hell on the Titan Shifter, not even giving a shit if he can turn into a Titan.


While near the Captain's office, Eren felt a shiver climb his back.

A concerned looking Mikasa looked at him as Eren suddenly trembled, Armin also turning his attention to him.

"Eren, are you alright?" The blond boy asked with worry.

Eren shook his head at that.

"I don't know but I feel like I should be running for my life now..." He muttered, making the red haired Scout who stopped them for a chat, snicker.

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