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Serenity 🌸

We haven't talked all morning. Right now he's getting dressed for his interview. I've over heard that he's taking Nadia somewhere else for someone to watch her. That's petty he knew I didn't mean what I said after they incident.

Milan is recovering well which makes me happy. Although she still complains that her arm hurts. When I give her ice she keeps it on there boy for a little and then starts eating it, definitely my child. Trae's texting me non stop this morning, I do reply though.

I told him what had happened when I got home and he apologized for pressuring me into going. I told him it wasn't that big of a deal I had fun. But what got me was that he said:

No man should control your whole life, even your friend circle. You've been gone for three years and you have to live a little.

He had a point there because I haven't did anything fun since Milan had came into my life. It was always work and baby work and baby. I didn't want friends because of the fear that's still inside there that someone would betray me. Like my so called twin sister.

A knock on my door startles me, luckily it's Mateo.

" Look..we need to talk."

I nod my head and pat the spot next to me so he could sit. He's looking mighty fine today, fuck.

" Serenity.. you understand why I don't want you near them?" He says, taking my hands and interlocking then with his.

" Yeah but I promise Trae isn't like th-"

" No. Trae is exactly like that. Why are you defending him!"

Does he not get it? Traeshaun is in a whole relationship with a girl. He doesn't want me. "Because you don't know him like I do! You automatically assume that he's a bad person when he's not."

" I'm not going to keep explaining to you Reni. I want you all to myself. I don't want another round two of what had happened."

I look down at our hands, angry that he doesn't get it. I yank them away and cross my arms, " It's not going to happen. I promise.."

" You sound like me trying to reassure you. It is if you keep seeing the both of them."

" It's not. He has a whole girlfriend." I say plainly.

Mateo looks up into my eyes I can see the confusion and the annoyingness in his eyes, " Who?"

Fuck. He doesn't know? Should I tell him?

" Carmen."

It takes him a minute to process it. But when he does I kind of want to run away. His eyes are darker than usual I'm guessing from all the madness and drama that's being kept inside. Shit.

" What the actual fuck? So you know they're dating but you still hang out with them? My ex and your ex dating and it doesn't bother you not one bit?"

I shake my head no, " No. "

" I don't want you seeing them ever again. I'm dead ass Serenity."

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