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Serenity 🌸

One week, 6 hours and counting. I've been in this hotel for a whole week. Milan has been crying on and off for Mateo but I let her throw her little fit each time. I should of known not to agree to start back up our relationship. It doesn't work out at all. Somebody always interferes with our love life. I don't understand why they can't let us be happy.

But on another note, I want to be happy for myself. I did not move to Atlanta to become a housewife. He seems to think that's what I was going to do. It's not. I need to get back out there again. Maybe not dancing but I could model though. I've got to be making money someway if I'm going to be providing for Milan by myself.

" You still there?" She says through the phone.

" Yes April. I zoned out." I say plainly. Her 20 minutes of trying to convince me to fix things with him isn't working.

" Okay but do you understand? Like you can't take a kid from its father. That's dead wrong Serenity and you know it."

I look over my shoulder to check on Milan. She's sitting there coloring in her coloring book. I turn back around and go into the mini kitchen, leaning on the counter.

" Okay and? He should of let me have friends. Do you know how well I get along with Carmen?"

" Yeah.. and she talks about you all the time. I told her what happened and she says she's deeply sorry."

I smile, " Tell her that I said it's not her fault. Mateo just being dumb."

" No Serenity, you're the one being dumb. Do you not know how this situation plays out?"

I scrunch my face up. What does she mean? Carmen can't do any harm but Traeshaun can. Only if he wanted to though.

" Nothing is and wasn't going to happen. You know what I'm tired of talking. " I can already tell I'm getting agitated.

She sighs and I hear shuffling on the other line, " Wait before you go you already know what I'm going to say.."

" I'm not staying with you." I groan.

" Yes you are. I can't let you live in a hotel. It's been a week. Bring your ass on."

That's the millionth time she's said that. It's getting annoying. Might as well give in cause she's not going to stop. "Fine April."

Mateo 🍓

A week. I'm surprised at myself for not falling apart over her. Usually at this stage I would not be communicating with anybody. Why am I lying to myself. I'm not doing great at all. You finally gain something and then loose it within 2 weeks. 2 weeks, we only dated for a whole 7 days.

This that elementary school relationship type shit. But I can't say that because I'll always love her no matter what. She's the one who holds my soul in her hands. As usual nobody can tell her nothing.

What happened to the Serenity I fell in love with? She was always happy and cheerful and now she's just.. hell I don't even know what to call it. All I wanted was a break to think things through but obviously she didn't love me from the start. Took my daughter and ran. Cold hearted.

Runnin' | Mateo Bowles Where stories live. Discover now