Madison Williams

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Hey! This is my first Outsiders fanfiction. Please tell me how I did! ~Bluewing

Madison's P.O.V.
I am a loner. I have no friends. I stand alone. I am Madison Williams, the lone Greaser. I know most Greasers say always stick together, but not having any friends I had to adapt. I have gotten used to it, I mean I never had friends and I'm 17. My dad knows I don't have many friends, but he doesn't care. He pretty much hates me. He beats me and gets drunk a lot.

I was walking down the street at sunset. My dad was drunk again! I had stopped by the vacant lot. I heard small whimpers. I followed the sounds to find a small boy. He had Dark hair, from what I could tell, and tan skin. Now, I had probably one of the longest criminal records in town, but this kid looked as if Socs had beaten him. I couldn't stand Socs! They thought they were better than anyone else just because they were rich! I knew Socs had to be behind this. I was thought to be mean and cruel by people who didn't know me well,I could be, but there was something about this kid.

I went over to him, "Are you okay?" I used a voice like you use to coax a wounded animal. I only used this voice because he was shaking really bad. He whimpered again and I knew he couldn't get up on his own. I came a little closer, "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." He looked up at me with big brown eyes, he looked like a sad puppy. "Hey. I'm going to help you, okay?" I said, my voice still soft. He waited a moment, looking me over, before nodding.

I took him to an abandoned house not far from the lot. I used the place a lot of the time to get away from my dad. when we were there I help the boy onto the old worn out couch and started to tend to his injuries. He didn't speak much except the occasional "Ow!" I decided to try to get him to speak, "Hey...Umm my name is Madison. What's yours?" He looked up, "J-Johnny" his voice was hardly more than a whisper. When he told me his name I recognized him.

He was Johnny Cade. He hung out with the Curtis gang! They were more of a group of inseparable friends than a gang. They were the kind of Greasers I would hang out with if I hung out with anyone. Johnny spoke again, snapping me from my thoughts, "You should come meet the gang sometime." His voice was still quiet, though he seemed more open. Him talking shocked me, but I still answered, "Oh... Umm... Well, okay." I don't know why I said yes, I guess because Johnny seemed like I can trust him,of all people, to make good character judgement.

He said I could meet them tomorrow. Man! I guess it wasn't as hard to make friends as I thought.

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