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Darry's POV

I couldn't let Dally get in too much trouble right now. There is no telling what he might do. As soon as I left Buck's place and went to town I found Dally. Him and his so-called 'friends' were fighting some Socs. Damn it. He is going to get in bad trouble if I don't do something. I had to break up the fight and drag Dallas to my house.

I made him lay down on the couch. After he did, Johnny came in. As always, his parents were arguing. I felt bad for the little guy. Some days he looked ready to just die then and there. Today was one of those days. He went over to Dal, "Dal? Do you ever think my parents will care? I don't think they'd care if I dropped dead..." Dallas, in his drunken and high as hell state, yelled at little Johnny, slurring as he did so, "No one would give a damn if you died! You're just the group's pet!" Johnny's already wide eyes widened and filled with tears. Damn you Dallas I thought. I tried to move, but I couldn't.

I watched as, in slow motion, Johnny crumpled to the ground and started sobbing violently. Johnny looked up to Dally and, even with a couple remarks to Johnnycake now and then, Dal was almost kinda nice to Johnny. I could barely move as I went over to Johnny. He was talking to himself in between sobs, "Dal is right. They don't care. I should just die. No one would care!" I got real serious when I heard him talking to himself, "Johnny! That's not true and you know it!" He flinched at my tone. I softened a little (A/N: AWW Superman is going soft! SQUEE) and hugged Johnny, "Dally is just being stupid. Okay?" Johnny slowly calmed down and stopped crying, "What happened to the real Dal?" I sighed and explained what Buck told me and what I pieced together. He sighed, "Oh."

Just then Pony came into the room. One look at Johnny had him by my side in an instant, "What happened?" I spoke coldly, "Johnny had a breakdown. Dallas nearly broke him." Pony quickly glared at Dallas, then softened his gaze and looked at our little, puppy-like boy, "Dal was mean to him?" I nodded.

Pony's POV

This wasn't Dally. Dallas would never yell at Johnny. What was happening? Everything was spiraling out if control. I wanted life to be normal for us. I sighed and looked at Johnny, "Wanna come to my room?" He just nodded slightly. I got up and went to my room. Johnny was being quieter than normal. I decided not to even ask. Johnny could be selectively mute. Most of the group didn't know. Only me, Darry, and Dally were the only ones who did know about Johnny's condition. Johnny just sat on the bed and stared at the wall, sighing occasionally. I didn't know what to do. He would just be quiet for a little while. After a little while, Johnny fell asleep. I covered him up, then went to sleep.

~time skip a few weeks~

One morning a few weeks later, I woke up to Darry shaking me and Johnny, "Wake up! Guys!" I sighed and opened my eyes, "It's Saturday! I wanna sleep." Darry scoffed, "Do you wanna see Madison awake?" That made me sit bolt-right up, "MADDIE?!" He nodded. I jumped and and got ready to see Maddie.

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