I Fell in Love in The Back of a Cop Car

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Dallas POV

I had Madison sleeping next to me. I was utterly happy. I had my arms wrapped around her. I was almost sleeping, until Madison started twitching in her sleep and whimpering. I said her name quietly once. She flinched and rolled over. I saw a few tears running down her face. I shook her lightly repeating her name over and over. Her eyes flew open and she screamed. I hugged her, "Shhh...Shhh...It's me! It's Dally." She hugged me and started crying, "Dally! I h-had a n-nightmare." I knew who the nightmare was probably about. I didn't want to think about her though. I just hugged Madison and rocked her back and forth gently. Madison was wiping her eyes and sniffling after a few minutes. I was glad she was okay.

She finally stopped sniffling. I smiled and brushed a couple strands of her short blonde hair back. She smiled, "Dallas can I ask you a question?" I smirked, "You just did." She sighed, "Seriously I have a question." "Okay. What?" "When did you start having a crush on me?" I felt my cheeks heat up a little, but I remembered every detail, "When we were in the back of that cop car. The blue lights made you look so...beautiful. Then the idea with that bobby pin. You are smart and beautiful. It just...Umm... You were all I could think about. That's why I almost dropped the bobby pin," I bit my lip. She smiled, "You don't look to bad yourself." I looked at her lips as she spoke. They looked soft. I wanted to kiss her so damn bad! She looked at me for a moment blushing. I realized something, "I said that out loud didn't I? Dammit!"

Madison POV

"I want to kiss her so damn bad!" I felt a blush creep on my face and looked up at Dally. His eyes widened, "I said that out loud didn't I? Dammit!" He turned a shade of pink. I giggled. "What?" Dally asked. I bit my lip before quickly giving him a small kiss.

He didn't even have time to realize what happened before I was back to where I was previously sitting. He looked shocked for a moment then smiled. I saw a blush crawling onto his face. I couldn't help it, so I giggled. He laughed and hugged me, "You just made my day." I beamed, "Let's get something to eat!" He chuckled, "Okay!" We had stayed at the Curtis house that night. You wanna know what that means? Chocolate cake for breakfast! Yeah buddy!

I ran into the kitchen behind Dally. He had the chocolate cake out already. He held my plate over my head out reach. "What the heck Dally?!" I yelled.He touch my cake. My cake! I sat down and pouted. He looked at me and gave me the cake back, "Maddie! Don't look at me like that. It makes me feel guilty!" I gave him the look again. He smirked. I knew he was planning something. He leaned in and kissed me. A real kiss. Not like the quick peck I gave him.

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