Confessions and Saviors

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Bridgett's POV

I got in my car and drove to where I expected Dallas to be, the Curtis house. I knocked on the door. Dally opened it and sneered at me, "Bridgett! I said we were through!" I smiled, "Oh but if you don't get back together with me, you won't see 'precious' little Madison alive ever again." Dallas made a choking sound. He stood motionless as everyone gathered around the door. Dallas had tears welling up in his eyes, "Please, Bridgett, don't hurt her. I love her!" Everyone gasped. Dally had just noticed the crowd around us. He blinked a couple if time. To keep the tears from falling I guessed before saying anything, "I-I'll do anything j-just don't hurt her." He had started crying now. I smirked, "See ya' at 8 Dally." I winked and walked off

Dallas POV

I can't believe she had Madison! Was Maddie hurt? That was all I could think. I was crying. I hadn't cried in years. Everyone knew I didn't cry over much. Soda grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the couch. Johnny sat by me, "You really do love her. Don't cha?" I nodded. Johnny looked at me, "We will help her Dal." I stopped crying. I looked at everyone, "Okay here's the plan..."

~time skip~

It was 7:45 and everyone was ready. I got in my car and started driving. I was determined to get Madison back. What was Madison doing right now. Was she hurt? Was she alive? She didn't blame me did she? With all these thoughts, the drive to Bridgett's house seemed to take only seconds. When I got of the car I scratched the back of my neck, it was a signal. Johnny came up with it. I heard a few whistles, that meant everyone was in place. I smiled and walked up to the door. I knocked on the door for about five minutes before Bridgett answered.

She was in a navy blue dress that we to her mid-thighs. The front was sorta low too. It took everything not to glare at her. I took a deep breath, "Ready to go?" she smiled and nodded, "Lets go baby~" I almost gagged. When we got to the car I twitched my head to the side. That meant Johnny's part of the plan was in action.

Johnny POV

I watched Dally twitch his head. The plan was in action and I was up first. Dally had taught me to pick a lot with a bobby pin. I snuck one from my mom. I knelt down and started picking the lock. As soon as the door unlocked, I motioned for the rest of the boys. We snuck around the house until Darry heard a girl crying. His eyes widened, "That sounds like Madison!" We followed the sound to the basement. I had to jimmy the lock for that door too.

We ran down there. Madison was tied to a chair and crying. As we got closer I saw she had bruises covering most of her skin and she was bleeding. She looked up at me and I recognized the fear in her eyes. It was the fear I had when the Socs got me the worst time. The rest if the boys had got Madison untied by now. Darry picked her up as gently as he could. She was wiping her eyes and looked at me, "Wh-where is D-Dally?" I looked at her, "He is distracting Bridgett. For now we are going to get you to Darry's."

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