Recovery and Apologies

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Darry's POV

I saw Madison's eyes narrow, "You make it sound bad." I nodded, "It is bad..." I didn't want to tell her, but she needed to know. She bit her lip as I told her how Dally had deteriorated after she fell into a coma. She teared up, "Oh no my poor little Dallas!" I tried to comfort her. She slowly calmed down, "I have to help him." I smiled. She had a good heart.

She sighed, "Can you get Dallas to come back here tomorrow? Please?" I nodded, "Of course, Madison." She moved a little and winced. "Are you okay, Maddie?" I said. She nodded, "Yeah, it just hurts a lot. The doc said I'll have a long hard recovery. It'll be even longer if I want full movement of my right arm again..." She looked at it and sighed. Pony looked at her right arm, "Does it hurt real bad?" Madison sat silently for a moment, "It's actually more numb than painful." I checked the time. We needed to go home, "Hey, Madison, me and Pony gotta go home." She yawned, "Okay guys. Bye." Pony smiled and waved, "Bye Maddie."

Me and him got home to see Two-Bit asleep on the couch. Typical. Pony went to his room. Soda was probably at work. Perfect time to go see Dallas. "Pony! I'm going to see Dallas!" "Okay!" He called back.

I went to Dallas's, slightly dreading seeing him and his home in that condition again. I went into the house seeing all the lights off, but I knew he was here. I saw his car out front and heard noise. "Dally?" I called. "Who is there?" He said. "Darry." "Okay," He sighed and came out of his room. He still looked terrible, but now he wasn't even wearing his skull ring. His prized possession. "What is it, Darry?" He said, annoyed. I half smiled, "Maddie has her memory back. She wants to see you and apologize." Dally's eyes widened, "Sh-She does?" I nodded, "You can see her tomorrow." I saw a small spark in his eyes. A little piece of the old Dally. He ran a hand through his hair, "What time is the earliest I can see her?" I told him the visiting hours and immediately saw the old Dally come back. 'Good,' I thought, 'He is coming back to us.'

~The next morning-

Dally's POV

I woke up extremely early, feeling better than I had in weeks. I actually ate some breakfast. I felt like my old self again. My previous Maddie wanted to see me. I quickly got dressed, fixed my hair, and got my skull ring. I looked at the clock. I had about thirty minutes before I should leave. I got my guitar a played a few chords. I smiled and played a few old favorites of mine. Before I knew it, I could go to the hospital and see Maddie.

As I went to Madison's room, I worried about what if she just wanted to dump me. I shook off the thoughts and entered her room. She was looking out the window when I first came in. As soon as the door opened, she looked at me. I saw her beautiful eyes light up and her gorgeous smile appear, "Dally! I'm so sorry about yesterday. I truly am. I didn't remember you- er, us." I saw the genuine pain in her eyes, "It's okay, Maddie. I forgive you." She smiles and motioned for me to come closer. I did so and she hugged me weakly with her left arm. Her right arm laid limp beside her. I looked at if for a little longer than I should've. "I can't move it. I'm going to have a long hard recovery. I don't think I could do it without you." I smiled and gripped her small, pale hand in mine, "I'm glad you don't have to go through it without me, too." She smiled, "I love you, Dallas."

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