A Perfect Date...Not

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Hey guys I'm alive. Sorry it took forever to update but writers block :P ~Bluewing

Madison POV
~three days later~

It was Friday already! The days had passed so fast it made my head spin. I had my dress picked out. It was crimson red and came just above my knees. It had black flowers on it. Maybe Dally would like. Oh! What if he doesn't. What if something goes wrong on the date! I am so worried. I am stressing out. I was playing out scenarios in how the date could go wrong.

I was brought out if my daydreams when someone knocked on the door. I went over and opened the door to see a nicely dressed Dally. "Hello m'lady," He said with a bow. I chuckled quietly at him. He apparently heard me, because he looked up, "Are you laughing at me? Thats not nice." He had this pitiful look on his face. I thought for a moment then quoted him, "I'm never nice." He straightened up and laughed, "God! You really are my girl, aren't ya' Madison?" I hugged him and nodded, "Absolutely!" He took my hand gently and led me to his car. He opened the door for me! Who knew Dallas Winston could be so darn sweet!

His driving was...um...reckless as we drove...well where ever he planned the date to be at. "Dallas you're driving is...umm..." I tried to put it nicely. He glanced at me for a moment, "Reckless?" I nodded. He chuckled. God he had a cute chuckle! "What's so funny, Dal?" I wanted to know why he was laughing. He smirked, "Oh nothing." "Fine don't tell me." "Okay I won't." "You're mean." He just chuckled at my statement. I crossed my arms and huffed. He laughed at me. I was acting like a little kid. Dallas hates little kids. But if he's gonna be my boyfriend he's gotta get used to me acting childish.

We had been riding for about fifteen minutes when Dally pulled into a restaurant. It was the one of the nicest restaurants in town. I felt like I was dreaming. This was so perfect. Dallas came and opened my door for me. I couldn't contain my giggle as I got out. God I was acting girly! Almost as girly as the Soc, Cherry Valence. I hate her. Dallas held my hand as we went inside. "Table for two please," Dally said. I always wanted to hear that.

As we had sat down a bubbly bleach blonde waitress came over. her voice was high and squeaky, "What do y'all want to drink?" Dallas ordered first, "I'll have a coke." She giggled, "Alright, sweetie!" She gave me a blank look, "And you?" Her voice was now flat and bored. I did everything not to sneer as I got a coke also. Dallas hadn't seemed to notice the rude way the waitress addressed me. She sashayed off in a prissy manner.

She came back with our drinks a few minutes later. She batted her eyes at Dally, "Do y'all know whatcha want?" Me and Dally exchanged a quick look and nodded. "I'll have the Spaghetti Alfredo," I said. Dallas smiled, "I'll have the same as her." She smiles, "Okay handsome~" She sashayed off again. God I wanted to kill her! Dallas finally caught on to the waitress's prissy-ness. I glared in the direction the waitress had gone in until Dally spoke, "Maddie ignore her." I looked at him, "Did you see how she was looking at me?!" Dallas nodded, "Yeah... She was being extremely rude to you."

Dallas and I were laughing and joking when the waitress came back with our food. She gave Dally his first acting as graceful as she could. When she turned to give me my food she 'slipped' and I ended up covered in Spaghetti Alfredo. She put on a totally phony look of shock and looked at Dallas, "I am sosososoSO sorry!" Dallas narrowed his eyes, "You did that on purpose! I saw how you were treating her earlier!" Her big green eyes widened, "B-b-but you were so...clueless earlier!" If looks could kill that waitress would have been brutally killed then and there. I had to admit Dallas was scary when he was angry. This made the yelling at Johnny incident look like nothing. I had tears forming in my eyes now. Dallas grabbed my hand and spoke softly, "Come on Maddie." I looked at him and saw his beautiful eyes, "O-okay" I blinked back tears I wasn't about to let the little slut- I mean waitress- see me cry.

As soon as we were out of the restaurant I just started crying. Dallas hugged me and told me it was okay. I kept crying and didn't move for a good ten minutes. Once I stopped crying Dallas took me to my house so I could clean up. He promised a better date next time. I loved him to death. I couldn't have a better boyfriend in this screwed up thing called life.

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