Playing Hero

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Madison's P.O.V.
I saw the Socs coming toward me. There were six guys. Normally I could handle about for by myself, but six I am officially screwed! I stood up to face them, and the person I think was the 'leader' spoke, "Well, look here. It's a greaser all lonesome. Ya' know a greaser like yourself shouldn't be walking alone." The kept coming toward me. The leader got close enough and grabbed my shoulder. I saw he had rings. Rings will cut you if they hit you.

I hit him square in the jaw, "Leave me alone! I don't want to hurt you," I said. They started laughing, "Haha you hurt us!? Listen you can't hurt us. Can she Bob?" 'Bob' was apparently the leader. He spoke, "Boys I think we need to teach her a lesson. One she won't forget anytime soon." Then they starting hurting me. There were too many. I couldn't fight them, so I started calling for help. I didn't think anyone would here me, much less help me. My voice grew weaker and my vision blurred. The last thing I heard was, "Johnny! Help me get her to Darry's!"

Dallas's P.O.V.
"HELP!SOMEONE HELP!" I heard a voice screaming. Me and Johnny were walking down the street. We weren't staying with Darry, Soda, and Pony tonight. I look at Johnny, "You here that, Johnny?" He nodded. "Lets go see who it is," he suggested. We started following the cries for help. They kept getting weaker.

When we got to the park I saw who was screaming. It was Madison. She may not have been in my 'good graces' but she helped Johnny. I owed her one. Me and Johnny started to help Madison. We both had our switchblades out. After the Socs left I went and checked on Madison. Tears were streaming down her face and she was bleeding."Johnny! Help me get her to Darry's!" I yelled.

While we were taking her to Darry's I looked at her again. She looked so...helpless. It was a different Madison. The Madison who snapped at me was a tuff, strong girl, not this weak, helpless girl I was carrying. I almost felt kinda bad for her. No! Don't feel bad for her, she yelled at Johnny.

We finally reached the Curtis house after what seemed like ages. when we took her inside all the guys were still there. Two-Bit looked from me to Madison, "Dude what happened to her!" All I could say was, "Socs." That seemed to be all they needed to hear, because as soon as I said that Madison became the center of focus.

~time skip~(brought to you by awesomeness)

Madison POV
Where am I? Why am I not at the park? I tried to sit up, but it was to painful and I whimpered in pain. "Hey, guys! She's awake!" I looked toward the voice. It was Two-Bit. He walked over to me, "You okay? Them Socs beat ya' pretty bad." I smiled at him weakly, "You don't say!" Two-Bit gave me a look, "Okay, so I guess you're fine." I snickered a little.

Darry came into the room, "Madison, your up. You feeling alright?" I considered it for a moment, "Well, I feel like I was beat up by some Socs." Darry sighed, "Other than that?" Two-Bit was laughing at us. I snickered, "Yeah I'm fine. Who brought me here?" Two-Bit cracked a smile, "Dally."

My eyes widened, "D-Dally as in Dallas Winston!" Two-Bit nodded, "Do we know any other Dallys?" I was utterly confused, "Why would he help me?" Two-Bit shrugged, "He must of felt like playin' hero." I nodded, "Being the ego maniac he is I don't doubt it." I was starting to feel sorta light headed so I turned over and drifted to sleep.

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