Letting Myself Go

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Dallas POV

I woke up in the Curtis house. Was last night a dream? "Maddie?" I said, halfway thinking I would hear her sweet voice say something back. The only reply I got was a sleepy Ponyboy, "She isn't here Dal..." I sighed and tried not to cry. So it wasn't just a dream. Pony yawned and offered me a slice of chocolate cake. I sniffled and refused. Pony frowned, "I miss Maddie..." I just curled up and sniffled, "Me too." I decided to just go to Buck's place.

As I got their if smelled the familiar scent of cigarettes and beer. I just started hanging with the guys I usually hung out with. Frank, Jack, and Phil. Phil could tell I was upset. Every time he asked what was wrong I ignored him. The last time he asked me I exploded, "Damn it, Phil! I don't want to talk about it!" Phil snickered, "I knew something was wrong!" I just sighed and went to get a beer.

A few hours later, I was drunk out of my mind. I couldn't even remember what had me upset earlier. Me and the guys were smoking when one of them pulled out a bag of something. It was blue and looked like... I slowly pieced together what it was. It was blue crystal meth. (Walking dead anyone? No? Okay...)

Frank offered me some. I was so drunk and still felt the sadness from whatever happened. I just decided 'Sure. Why not? maybe it'll make me feel better.' That was some serious shit. I immediately felt numb to everything. Man, why didn't I try this stuff sooner. I felt invincible. I got a good idea...

Daryl's POV

I had a bad feeling about Dally. He was upset and Pony said he hadn't eaten this morning. If Dallas even got moderately upset he'd get severely drunk. I can't begin to imagine what Madison's... condition... was doing to poor Dal. He was going to probably do something stupid or crazy. Probably both.

I went to Dallas's favorite hangout. Buck Merrill's place. I knocked on the door. Buck opened the door, "Whaddaya want?" I ignored his rudeness, "Has Dally been here?" "He left with Frank and Phil." I gasped. Those two were drug addicts. If Dally left with them, he was about to be in serious trouble. I quickly left Buck's place. Dallas what have you gotten yourself into.

Cop Car(Dallas Winston fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora