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(carl's p.o.v)

I watched Miya's smile grow bigger as Chase walked away. Watching her flirt with him broke my heart. That should be me, not Chase. I should be the one asking her to go on a date with me, not Chase. Chase doesn't deserve her. Hell, I don't deserve her, but Chase will just ripped her heart out and stomp on it.

"Yeah, I think Ash is right. You shouldn't go," I said. "I- We just don't want you to get hurt." I stuttered. Why did I stutter? I should've just said I don't want her to get hurt, not we. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Thanks, guys, really. But, I think I can handle myself for one night," she said. Just because she thinks she can handle herself, doesn't mean I'm not going to try my hardest to stop her from going on that date.


"I love you, Miya. I'm still in love with you. You can't go on that date," I paced around my room, practicing what to say. Honestly, this is really hard.

"Carl, I need you to do the dishes while I'm at work," Fiona said, throwing a jacket over her shoulder.

"Sure, Fiona," I replied.

"Hey, you okay," she asked me, walking a little more into the room.

"Just trying to figure out how to stop Miya from going on a date with a player," I told her.

"You still love her, don't you," she asked, giving me a warm smile.

"Yes, a lot. I cannot let her go on his date. I don't want this guy ruining her. She deserves so much better. She's been put through too much already," I always loved venting to Fiona about things because she always understood.

"Tell her that. She'll listen to you," she said, patting my back. "I gotta get to work. You go get your girl... After you do the dishes." I nodded my head and ran downstairs to do the dishes before I had to talk to Miya.

I finished them in no time. I washed my hands and made sure I looked and smelled okay before I went next door.

"Go get your girl," I told myself. I ran to the front door and opened it, a smile planted on my face. I turned the door knob and stepped out on the porch. My smile quickly faded when I saw her get into a black car.

I was too late. I couldn't stop her.

(miya's p.o.v)

Chase said to wear something 'sexy'. I don't have a lot of sexy clothing but I think I can put an outfit together to make it work.

I went to my closet and pulled out a black, short sleeved crop top and a pair of white pants. I decided to curl my hair to make it look a little more wavy. I did very little make up, just a little mascara and eyeshadow. Then, I put my outfit on. I decided to wear my white converse instead of heals because yes.

I heard a knock on my door just before I was about to brush my teeth. I ran downstairs and saw that Lip had already opened the door and Chase was waiting for me in the doorway.

"Hi, Chase. Need something," I asked him, pretending like I wasn't getting ready for our date.

"Don't play hard to get and get your ass out here," he replied with a smirk.

"Excuse me," Lip asked with an annoyed tone. "You better treat her with respect." Chase raised his hands up in defence.

"Lip, don't sweat it. This is how he speaks to everyone," I told him. "I'm gonna go grab my phone I'll be right back." I began to walk back up the stairs before I turned back around to say something. "Oh, and Lip, Chase has a big mouth on him. So, if he says anything rude, feel free to punch him in the face," I gave Lip a proud smile and continued my walk upstairs. Hopefully that'll keep Chase quiet until I get back down there.

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