Chapter 39: Conversations

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"It has to be her, doesn't it?" Maverick asked Noelle, both of them standing at the foot of Maverick's bed where Gwen lay. "Who else would it be?"

"You're back!" Roman appeared behind them his face splitting into a grin. "Where did you go? What's the secret? You should have seen your faces when -" he stopped, taking in their grave nature. "What's wrong?"

Maverick gave Roman the quick rundown of their conversation with Canya while Noelle approached Gwen. She was so pale, a sheen of sweat on her forehead. Noelle checked for a pulse, wondering what they could do to help.

"You're saying Gwen might be...might be the heir? I mean, another heir? Your cousin?" 

"That's what it sounds like, but with her in the state she's in, there's no way to know."

"Yes there is," Noelle said in a chiding tone. "Now both of you look away."

"Away?" Roman asked, cocking his head to the side. "Why would we need to -"

"Because I'm going to check for the birthmark Maverick has. If Gwen's an heir, she should have it, too. She doesn't need you two ogling her in her fragile state."

Maverick turned at once while Roman's mouth popped open in understanding. "Oooh you're - got it." He turned too, and Noelle pulled the covers back.

It felt awkward to undo the ties on the front of the other woman's tunic - invasive. Once the laces were undone, she pulled the slit open, moving it toward Gwen's left side to expose the skin. Just above her left breast, the tell-tale birthmark of a a star with a swirl in the center. Stomach flipping, Noelle retied Gwen's tunic and spun around.

"It's her. She has it."

Maverick swiveled back around, while Roman peeked over his shoulder to make sure it was safe. "She's Tarvril's daughter?"

"Well she's not Claire's or Bainon's." Roman said. "At least, not that we know of." 

"She's not my sister," Maverick said, frowning. "And I think Bainon and Narissa would have taken her if she was his - even if she wasn't Narissa's. They took Eric, after all." 

"What do we do about this?" Roman asked. "Tell Helena?"

"Someone else knows about this - about her. They wanted to kill us both in one fell swoop." Maverick ran a hand through his hair. "I wouldn't be surprised that Bainon has traitors this far. How else would they know so much about the Militia reforming? They're after all the family I have." 

"Before we do anything we need to save Gwen." Noelle brushed aside the older woman's hair. "She has to beat this - heir or no. We can't let her die."

"And then?" Roman asked.

Maverick's glower darkened. "Then we go to war."


Phoenix rejoined Eric after leaving Abigail in the guest room. He sat on Abigail's bed, staring down at his hands.

"What do we do now?" he asked, not looking up as she entered. "What does this mean for me?"

"How are you feeling?" Phoenix asked, sitting beside him. 

"My head hurts. It all makes sense, but at the same time I'm having a hard time believing it."  He scrubbed his face with his hands. "Every time I think I know myself, I find out my life is a lie."

Phoenix thought of Reed and pursed her lips. "We'll just take things one day at a time." 

"Did Abigail know? Who I am?"


Eric nodded. "Is that why she found someone to replace me?"

Phoenix took Eric's hand in her own, squeezing it tight. "She hasn't replaced you. She just wants you to be jealous. Don't worry about Reed. I think you'll like him. He's not a threat." 

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