Chapter 1: One Thing

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Harry’s P.O.V

Screaming and loud cries echoed the mall as my four best friends and I entered the room. There had to be about one thousand fans, mostly girls from the ages 13-26, crammed together inside, screaming me and my mates’ names.

I picked up some of the words fans were calling out.

“Niall I love you!”

“Zayn will you marry me?”

“Have my children Harry!”

“Liam we love you!”

“Louis, tour my bedroom!”

I glanced around, squinting my eyes attempting to read a few of the signs fans have made. One read “Niall, kiss me I’m Irish.” Another read “It’s my birthday, birthday sex Harry?”

Fans were screaming at the top of their lungs, wearing their favorite One Direction apparel, waving around carrots, screaming to me about cats, and every two seconds a different fan would ask us to father their children. A lot of fans seem to want us to have a child with them; it was probably our most asked question. Of course we never agreed to any of them, or else we’d have millions of child support bills to pay for each of our million babies.

Meet and greets were always fun, yet tiring. For hours straight we’d sit at the same table, chatting with a different fan every few seconds, signing CD’s and posters. (Liam always asked for his own separate table, afraid Zayn would break his.) We all enjoyed seeing the fans’ reactions to meeting us: some remained calm, many burst into tears, a few passed out and had to get carried by a security guard until becoming conscious again, and a few even smacked themselves across to face to make sure they weren’t dreaming. Our fans mean everything to us, and I wish they’d all realize that. Although we only get to speak with them for a short amount of time, we want each and every one to realize that we love them to death and they’re all beautiful.

Numb hands, several pens, and 300 signed CD’s later, it was almost time to leave.

“I can’t believe I’m meeting the boy from White Eskimo…and Susan Boyle!”

I must admit, out of all the funny things our fans have said to us, that had to be the greatest line ever.

My hand was still signing CD’s as I looked up to smile at the girl who had cracked that joke.

A 5’5” girl with long, brown, straight hair smiled as our eyes met.


Her hazel eyes sparkeled as her long eyelashes fluttered each time she would blink. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that hugged her curves, with a necklace dangling over. She wasn’t as skinny as a model but still managed to look healthy and thin. Out of the several meet and greets and concerts I’ve attended, I’ve managed to see model-material beautiful girls, but no one compared to her. In the public eye, she probably was seen as normal, but to me there was just something about her that made her one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever laid eyes on.

I broke our long gaze by saying the first thing that came to mind.

“Hi, I’m harry,” I blurted out. Wow, I feel stupid now, of course she knows my name.

She giggled and played with her rings hiding her fingers, “I know, you’re one of the six reasons I’m here.”

“Six?” I figured five would be Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and I, but who is the sixth person or reason?

“Paul,” she winked and we both chuckled.

I figured our gaze was long enough considering the security guard began pushing the girl down the line until she was across from Zayn, who happened to be sitting next to me.

“Vas happenin!” Zayn yelled excitedly to her, as she smiled. He turned to me and winked, which made me assume that he noticed our long eye contact.

I said a quick hello and ‘how are you?’ to the girl next in line, but my eyes never left the hazel-eyed, brown haired girl.

I got her attention while she was still across from Zayn, and she turned to look at me, blushing.

“Hey love, what’s your name by the way?”

“Francesca.” She smiled.

“Do you have a twitter?”

She gave me her twitter name, and I scribbled it with a pen on my hand in case I forgot it later on.

As she rushed down the line, greeting the other boys, Francesca turned around and looked at me every once in a while, flashing me a beautiful smile.

Once she picked up her CD, and linked arms with who I’m assuming is her friend, I called out “I love you,” to her. Again she blushed, and her lips curled up into a wide smile.

The boys all glanced at me making kissy noises and letting out aaaw’s. They realized I was interested in her, considering they knew that if I’m interested in a fan I’ll ask her for her name, twitter, and shout out an “I love you” as she leaves. I’ve done this a couple times before with previous fans, I ended up snogging with two of them but lost contact after a few days.

But there was something about her that made me think she was different. I wasn’t interested only in kissing her and leaving like I’ve done before, she’s special.  Francesca. The thought of her name sent shivers up my spine and my heart to pump faster and faster. I don’t know what it is, but I need that one thing, and she’s got that one thing.  

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