Chapter 7: Saving water

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Francesca's P.O.V

Bzzzzzz,bzzzzz. I woke up to the sound of my phone constantly vibrating. Rubbing my eyes, I ripped off the covers, exposing my naked body. Next to me laid a naked curly-haired man. Aww, Harry looks so adorable in his sleep, curled into a ball, drool grossly, but cutely, dripping from his mouth. Grabbing my phone, I noticed the time. 4:07 am. Shit. I had fallen asleep at the hotel, forgetting to go home. Great, the name from the incoming call was Jaz.

“Hello?” I sleepily answered.

“FRANCESCA! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I’VE CALLED YOU A THOUSAND TIMES. IT’S 4 IN THE MORNING AND YOU’RE STILL NOT HOME! YOUR MOM CALLED ME A BUNCH OF TIMES ASKING FOR YOU!” All of her sentences ended in curse words and yelling. “I told her you fell asleep and I don’t want to wake you up. You better be safe right now, if something happens to you it’ll be blamed on me. If you’re not kidnapped or assaulted yet…god you’re gonna be real hurt when I’m done with you.”

“I’m so sorry Jaz! I ended up falling asleep at the hotel with Harry. I’ll be home in a few hours; I’ll leave here in the morning. I’m okay, I promise.” Harry turned around, moaning in his sleep and mumbling a few words, beginning to wake up. “I have to go Jaz, love you, bye.” I ended the phone call with those words and hung up.

Harry’s eyes slowly slid open. Once he saw me staring at him, a wide smile lit up his face. “’Morning beautiful.”

“It’s not morning yet, Harry. It’s only 4 AM.”

“Why are you up then? You’re crazy.”

“Just answering a phone call. Go back to sleep.” I ordered.

“Only if you sleep next to me.”

I jumped off the bed and slipped on my clothes, returning back fully covered.

Crawling into his arms, we both drifted off into a nice, cozy sleep.


At 8 AM, both Harry and I were awake.

“How’d you sleep?” He asked me, still lying under the cover fully naked.

“Amazing. How about you?”

“Ehh. Would’ve been better if SOMEONE didn’t wake me up early in the morning.” He joked.

Banging came from the kitchen of the hotel; we both walked to figure out what it is.

“I JUST WANT FOOD ALREADY!” Niall screamed while Louis attempted to make pancakes. The countertop was covered in pancake mix, while Louis’ face and hair held flour.

“Why don’t we just order room service?” Harry suggested.

“I think the better question is what’d you two do last night?” Zayn smirked while pointing to both me and Harry.

Harry was in nothing but his boxers, and my hair was atrocious. 

“Is today a hat day Hazza?” Harry gave Louis the death stare, while all the other boys cracked up laughing.

Apparently if Harry wears a hat, it means he had sex the night before.

Guess it really is a hat day for him.

“I need to get going, I was supposed to be home 8 hours ago.”

“What about my pancakes?” Louis pouted.

“Next time,” I smiled.

Harry walked me to the front door of the hotel room.

“I’ll talk to you later Francesca, I had fun.”

“Me too.”

One last time our lips connected. Our kiss lasted for only about 3 seconds, but it felt like eternity.

I thanked him for letting me stay over and paying for me the night before; finally saying our last goodbyes.

Once I got home, I apologized to my mother for not coming home. She understandingly nodded, and I skipped up to my room.

I felt dirty from the night before.

I had slept with two guys in the same day.

One of which I hadn’t seen for months.

The other one I had only known for a little over 24 hours.

Even if it was Harry Styles, one of the most beautiful men to walk this planet who millions of girls cry over, it was still a slutty thing of me to do.

I needed a nice long shower to wash off my layers of guilt.

Skipping out of my room in nothing but a towel wrapped around me down the hall way, I ran into Joe.

It’s going to get hard getting used to the fact that my ex-boyfriend is staying in my guest room for what could turn out to be more than a week.

“Look whose back!”

“Oh, who?” I joked.

“Have fun at Jaz’s?”

“Wouldn’t say sleeping is fun.”

From downstairs my mother screamed that she had been called into work, which was weird considering it was a Sunday.

We just stood there awkwardly, hearing the front door slam closed and the engine roar of my mom’s car as she drove away.

I zoned out into my own world, thinking of Harry’s curls and beautiful face.

I was rudely interrupted by Joe jokingly ripping my towel off of me.

“JOE!” Laughing but angry at the same time, I chased Joe around the house nakedly as I tried to retrieve my towel.

“Joe give it back right now!”

“Gotta catch me first,” He turned around at me and stuck his tongue out.

Chasing him down the stairs, around my kitchen and through the dining area, through the living room and back upstairs, it wasn’t until he was trapped inside my bathroom that I caught up to him.

I covered myself with my hands, even though Joe has already seen me naked on numerous occasions.

“Awh, you actually caught up with me, congrats.” He threw the towel at my head, covering my face.

He walked around me to go to the door, but instead of walking out he closed it and locked it, trapping himself in the bathroom with me.

“You know what, I could use a shower also. Let’s save water and shower together.” It wasn’t much of an option for me, Joe was already stripping down.

I tugged open the shower curtain and turned on the water. When the water reached a comfortable temperature, I hopped in followed by Joe.

The hot water touched my body and I ducked my head directly under the faucet, wetting my hair.

Facing the opposite direction of him, I felt his warm hands grab my waist from behind. He began kissing my neck, making his way down to my shoulders; I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I leaned in and we started kissing, as he lifted me off the ground so high that I was able to wrap my legs around his waist. The water still ran, trickling down my back. Still tightly wrapped around his waist, he carried me and pushed me against the wall. With one hand holding me up, he used the other hand to trace his fingers up and down my back while our lips connected and our tongues were touching. Once he finally put me down we shampooed each other’s hair, but it was more fun than sexual.

“Ahh Joe, you’re getting it in my eyes!”

We both were cracking up.

Although I had lost feelings for him after last night with Harry, it was still fun being around Joe.

When Harry wasn’t around and I felt lonely, Joe was there.

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