Chapter 21: Walking away

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Sorry this chapter is so terrible. I have the entire story planned out, and I even have the last chapter already written, but I wasn't sure what to do with this chapter. It'll get good soon, I promise.


Francesca’s P.O.V

Slowly backing up, I turned around and sprinted to the car, slamming the door shut.

“Drive!” I yelled to Harry.



The engine roared, and the car accelerated down the street.

“We can’t just leave that person laying there to die, if they find out who we are we can go to jail for a hit and run!”

“It was my father, Harry. ”

“What?” He turned to look at me, and then back at the road.

“He’s the man who we ran over.”

“But still, we can’t...”

I interrupted him. “He wouldn’t report us to the cops; then he would have to explain what he was doing near the development. We have a restraining order, remember? He’s not allowed within a thousand feet of us or our house.”

"This is going to give him a bigger reason to hurt you."

He punched the wheel and slammed on the break in anger, but the car continued to drive. “Shit Francesca, we can’t keep doing this!” I could hear in his voice that tears were beginning to build up.

“Do what?” I didn’t understand.

“It's all dangerous."

I stared at him, my heart racing at what he was about to say.

“You almost died when I made you walk down that dark alley and I could’ve told you not to stay at your house, but I didn’t and your father came. It was my fault that the car didn’t stop and we ran over your dad.” Slowly looking away from the road, he stared into my eyes. “You’re not safe with me; every day we're closer to death when we're with each other. I think….” He stuttered. “I think we’d be better off not being together.”

I looked the other way away from him as tears streamed down my face. I didn’t want Harry to see me crying, so I hid my face.

What else would he expect though; he just broke up with me?


I didn’t answer.


I refused to turn around or talk to him.

When he got the hint that I was ignoring him, he sighed. “I love you. I’m not doing this because I don’t like you, because I do…a lot. I’m doing this for your safety.”

I finally turned around to make eye contact with him, my body shaking and tears dripping from my eyes. I tried to form words, but I couldn’t. “Whatever, Harry.” Was all I had to say.

“We can still be friends; we just can’t spend so much time together. Do you want me to drop you off at one of your friend’s houses and drop the car off tomorrow?”

“Everyone’s probably sleeping."

"Then do you want to come back to the hotel?"

I shrugged. "Whatever."

We got back to the hotel around 1:45 AM.

The boys were still awake, and jumped up when they saw us walk in.

“What happened?” Liam, concerned, walked up to me, noticing I was drenched from the rain and my eyes were red from crying.

If I were to talk about it, I would start crying again, so instead I just shook my head.

“Harry?” Liam looked at him, trying to get answers, but he too refused to say anything.

Harry took me by the hand, leading me to his bedroom.

He threw me one of his t-shirts and basketball shorts. “You can sleep here; I’ll sleep on the couch. Do you need anything?”

I shook my head, not talking.

I haven’t talked to him since the car ride.

He walked over to me, hugging me. I didn’t hug back, which is when he released from the hug and stared into my eyes instead. “I love you.”

Looking away from him, I tried to hide my emotions.

He turned away and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I changed into his clothes, hanging up my wet ones to dry, and climbed into the big, empty bed.

Checking twitter on my phone, I noticed people blowing up Harry’s mentions, as if he was online.

I clicked on his page, noticing he tweeted 48 seconds ago.

@Harry_Styles: Just made a terrible mistake. if it was the right thing to do, then why do i feel this way? love hurts, miss her already :( 

I threw my phone on the nightstand, and cried myself to sleep.

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