Chapter 20: Hit and Run

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“What are you doing Harry?” Tears still streamed down her face, as she smacked Harry’s phone out of his hand.

“We have to call the police.”

“The police won’t do anything. If I call them, he’ll know that I’m scared. It’ll give him more of a reason to haunt me. Don’t call them.”

“What the hell are we going to do Francesca?” Harry himself started to tear. “I care about you. I don’t want anything to happen to you. What if one night I’m not here and something happens to you? He tried to hurt you once; I’m not letting him hurt you again.”

She didn’t answer him, instead covering her face with her hands and trembling.

Then, out of complete randomness, she jumped up and walked over to her desk, grabbing a textbook.

“What are you doing?” Harry was confused.

“Cover your ears.” She ordered.


“Just cover your ears.”

She then walked to the bathroom in her room, which was small and only contained a toilet and a sink.

Without turning on the lights, she raised the textbook and chucked it at the window, shattering the glass and triggering the alarm system.

The house let out loud, screeching sirens that can practically make your ears bleed.

She quickly ran to the window, peeking outside at her father who now panicked at the noise and hopped the fence, disappearing into the night.

When he was out of sight, she entered the code into the system, shutting it off.

The house phone rung; she answered it, informing the police that it was just a mistake.

When she hung up, she informed Harry, “We’ve had this alarm system since before I was even born. Of course we changed the code, but he knows that the police call if it triggers. We have a restraining order against him, so if the police were to come and see him, he’d be in deep trouble.”

“What if he comes here again?”

“I’ll tell my mom tomorrow, when you’re out of sight.”

“We’re not safe here.”

“We only have to worry about tonight.”

“That’s too long.” A sign of worry crossed Harry’s face. “We have to stay somewhere else tonight.”

“Okay, okay.” She scratched her head, thinking. Then, her face lit up. “I have an idea of where we can stay, but I don’t think you’d approve.”

“What is it?”

“We can campout on the beach.”

“I know I’m from a different country and all, but isn’t that illegal here?”

“Not if we get caught.” She winked. “We’ll stay up all night. You in?”

“I don’t know. If I get in trouble with the law, there’s a possibility I can get deported.”

“I used to always with my friends. We never got caught.”

“Can’t we just go to the hotel?”

“Awh, is Harry scared?” She made fun of him in a voice used as if she was talking to a baby.

“No.” He smirked.

“Please?” She pouted.

He sighed. “Ugh. Fine.”

She smiled, hugging him. “I’ll put some of my things together.”

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