Chapter 12: Realizing who he truely is

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Oh yeah, something that I haven’t made clear before is Francesca took her mom’s maiden name as her legal last name, since she hates her father. So, her mom and her have the same last name.

***************This chapter was hard for me to write, cause i really don't like thinking about these kind of incidents. If you get offended by sex crimes and violence, DO NOT READ*********************


Francesca's P.O.V

“Good morning.” I rubbed my eyes as I walked into my kitchen the next morning to see my mom, sister, and Joe sitting at the table in the kitchen eating breakfast.

Joe winked at me and flashed me an evil grin.

Every time he does that, I shiver.

My mom took her last bite of her pancake, got up, and announced that she’s going with the store. Cacey begged to come with her. “I can trust you guys alone, can’t I?”

I wanted to badly say that she couldn’t, but Joe spoke up again. “You can always Ms.Cisco.” He smiled.

“Great, we’ll be back in about an hour.”

After putting our dishes in the dishwasher, she grabbed her keys, and walked out the front door with Cacey following her.

Once we heard the startup of the car, and it drive away down the street, Joe spoke up. “Come with me.”

As much as I didn’t want to go with him, I had to, to protect my secret.

He brought me to the guest room, locking the door behind him.

“Take off your clothes,” he ordered.


He laughed, “Do you want me to tell your mom?”

“You can get arrested for this.”

“Do I look like I care? Take your clothes off, now.”

Following his order, I uncomfortably sat on his bed naked.

Once he undressed himself, he walked up to me, rubbing his hand on my shoulder.

“I can’t believe I was ever in love with you,” I said under my breath.

Apparently, I whispered too loudly; I realized that when I felt my cheek sting from Joe slapping me across the face.

I jumped up; trying to run to the door, but Joe grabbed me and threw me onto his bed. “Do whatever I say Francesca, don’t make this difficult for me.”

I had no choice. I couldn’t risk losing Harry.

I began to cry and scream, but he put his hand over my mouth. “Shut up.”

I couldn’t control my emotions, so he yelled louder at me, slapping me again across the face.

Still refusing to stop screaming and crying, he jumped up off the bed. He opened a drawer, shuffled through it, grabbed something, and walked back over to me.

It was a pocket knife.

He flicked it open.

“Say one more word, I dare you.”

Over my cries and panicking, I managed to make some words, “Why are you doing this to me Joe? We once loved each other."

“It’s your fault for cheating on me.”

“You can’t just come here after moving away and assume I haven’t found someone else. Sorry I fell in love with him and out of love with you. Sorry he actually treats me right.”

Joe was angry by now; he rushed over to me, cut my arm with the pocket knife, and dropped it to the floor. He then grabbed my throat with both hands, choking me. “Say one more word and the deal is off.”

Ignoring the blood dripping down my arm, he pushed me back on the bed.

He smiled and psychotically laughed, “Now, where was I?”

You've Got that One ThingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora