Chapter 2: Wait, this isn't a dream?

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Francesca’s P.O.V


For 5 minutes straight, me and my best friend Jaz stood frozen outside of the Garden State Mall. The cold wind brushing against my skin and messing up my hair didn’t seem bother me; I didn’t even flinch to push my hair flying in all directions behind my ears. It was rather cold outside for the middle of April. My body began to shiver, and it wasn’t because of the wind or weather. Jaz and I just stared at each other for minutes; normal fans would be freaking out if that just happened to them.

Wait, no. Normal fans don’t get the opportunity that I just had. Normal fans don’t get eyed down by the Harry Styles, told that he loves you, and asked for your twitter account. Did Harry like me? Nope, never. No way. Impossible. Harry Styles, 18 year old famous singer from Chesire. Harry Styles, boy with the most beautiful curls in the world. Harry Styles, cute British boy adored by millions of girls. Talented and beautiful and funny Harry Styles most definitely did not fancy nerd, frizzy-haired Francesca Cisco. I was a nothing in my school, the boys who were in the chess club didn’t even check me out. How the hell would I manage to get attention from Harry Styles, if a tomato didn’t even seem to notice me?

If Harry didn’t like me though, why did he smile when he saw me and continued staring at me until I left his sight? I must have had a piece of lettuce left in my tooth from lunch, or a sign on my back that said ‘kick me.’ Maybe he was just trying to be nice. Maybe it was a dare from the boys: find the ugliest fan and flirt with her. Maybe I was just getting PUNK’D.

Where are the cameras? I had to be getting tricked. I unfroze my body and searched around. No cameras were in sight, only fans leaving, an old lady humming to herself, and a lady dragging dozens of shopping bags while chasing a little boy. Hmm, this show is good at hiding cameras.

All of the sudden, hundreds of screaming girls flew out the doors of the mall. They ran like the building was on fire, or as if they were Liam being chased by a bunch of spoons. In the distance, a black large bus with the One Direction symbol drawn across sped through the parking lot. No wonder why all those girls were screaming. As it drove past, I looked through the windows. I caught a glimpse of Harry waving to the fans, we met eye contact and he winked at me.

I seemed to forget what was happening. My vision became blurred and the screams became soft whispers. I felt myself fall backwards and my head seemed to spinning around and around and around in circles.

Dizzy, dizzy. Gone.


“Is she okay?”

“Why isn’t there a Nando’s in America?”

“If she’s dead, I’m not responsible of hiding her body.”

“Damn Harry, I thought Zayn was the one to normally make girls faint.”

“Congrats Harry, you’re almost as breathtaking as I am, but you can keep dreaming.”

Voices around me woke me up.

I opened my eyes to see a blur of six bodies hovered over me. Once my vision cleared , I caught Jaz and five flawless boys smiling, looking down at me.

I seemed to be attached to a few wires. The room I was in was painted white, with an identical bed parallel from mine. It smelt like death and the lights of the room nearly blinded me. Oh, I was in a hospital.

Once it occurred to me who those five beautiful boys were, I shot up.

“ONE FREAKING DIRECTION ARE STANDING IN FRONT OF ME. NO WAY. Wait, why am I here? Who cares, WHY IS ONE DIRECTION IN FRONT OF ME. Stop dreaming Francesca, stop dreaming, stop dreaming, STOP DREAMING.” I screamed and smacked my face multiple times in order to wake myself from this amazing dream.

As I swung my hand once more and it hit my cheek, I felt a soft, warm hand wrap around my wrist to stop me from moving. “Calm down,” Harry smiled, releasing my wrist.

Jaz began, “We were outside of the mall, and you fainted. I don’t know why, you just collapsed. The boys seemed to notice and became worried, of course they couldn’t bring you to the hospital themselves in their tour buses, they'd be trampeded by fans if they stepped foot off of it, so they met us here.” 

“I just fainted, why am I in the hospital because of that? It’s not like I was critically injured.”

“Are you forgetting about your heart condition Jess?” Jaz called me Jess as a nickname for Francesca ever since we became friends in 3rd grade. Some people, including me, didn’t seem to understand how Jess is short for Francesca, but none of us cared enough to question Jaz and her strange nicknames. “The cause of you fainting was unsure, we thought maybe your heart stopped due to your condition, so we brought you here just to make sure you were okay.

I was born 3 weeks before I was planned to, a premature baby. When my mother gave birth to me, I had all types of birth defects. One severe one was my heart, and the condition has stuck with me since the day I was born. My heart can stop working any second of any day for no reason, and I can die instantly. Doctors didn’t know the exact cause for this, or a proper cure for it; so I just learned throughout the years to live each day like my last, just in case it is.

“I’m glad you’re okay Francesca,” Harry flashed a big smile at me.

“Me too,” the rest of the boys and Jaz chorused together.

So, this wasn’t a dream after all, One Direction really was standing inches away from me, taking time out of their busy lives to make sure I was okay.

“She looks beautiful even in a hospital gown, that’s true beauty,” Harry mumbled quietly, but accidentally loud enough for all of us to hear and turn to face him.

He blushed, and I did as well.

“Get some Hazza!” Louis joked, while patting Harry’s back.

“In my dreams,” Harry winked.

No, in my dreams.

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