Chapter 5: Let the games begin

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Francesca’s P.O.V

“Joe, what are you doing here?” I was on the verge of crying. A few months ago, my boyfriend since 5th grade and I split up. Joe had a family crisis, and had to move a state away; he didn’t even bother to try to save our relationship and make it long distance. He was the only boy I’ve ever liked, my first love; I was left completely heartbroken for over 2 months.

“Francesca, before you flip out please hear me out. All over facebook were people telling you to feel better, once I found out you were in the hospital I became worried. I thought maybe it had to do with your heart condition. Okay, I was scared; I realized yesterday that if you did die I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Breaking up with you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life, so I took the bus out here to visit you. I contacted your mother, and she said it would be alright if I stayed here for a bit."

My mom loved Joe almost as much as I did, but in a different way of course. She’s like my best friend, so she knew how much I missed him and how much he meant to me. She did think I was too young for relationships, but she didn’t mind it with Joe. When he called her, she must have been thrilled.

I stared deep into Joe’s eyes. The deep blueness still stained his sparkly eyes, and his soft skin became even softer. No matter how many times I convinced myself I was over him; there was always some part in my heart telling me I wasn’t. Never could I ever see myself with anyone else; he was the only guy for….

Bzzzz. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

From Harry:

I’m actually really good, how about you? I’m free later tonight, so after I’m done with all the radio interviews and such, I thought maybe we could hangout? Are you free?

Shit. I almost forgot about Harry. Harry was the one who dug me out of my depression; last night was the first time in months I felt alive again. I wasn’t sure who to choose between: Harry or Joe. Harry would only be in the area for a little while (although he was in NYC at the time and I was in a town in New York about 10 minutes away). There’s no way a guy traveling around the world who can get just about any girl he wants would try to keep a relationship with a girl like me. After One Direction left the area, Harry would probably find a new girl and completely forget about me. There’s no way I would be left single and lonely all over again. I can be with both guys; neither of them has to know. Harry probably is going to do the same thing behind my back, and Joe deserved it after what he’d done to me. It’ll be my little secret.

To Harry:

Yep I’m free, I’d love to. What do you have in mind?

“So Francesca, what are you doing tonight? Maybe we can go out to eat or watch a movie or…..”

“Actually Joe, I have plans tonight. When I get home later tonight maybe we can watch a movie in my room.”

“Sounds great,” Joe smiled.

From Louis:

I think it’d be better to tell you this in person. Are you hanging out with him later? If I see you, we’ll talk. It’s nothing bad…at all, promise.

What did Louis want to talk to me about? Curiosity practically ate me alive.

I still had about 11 or so hours left until my date with Harry, so I figured I’d just spend the day getting ready, cleaning, and waiting for Monique to come over.


Hours flew by; it was 7:30 PM already. Monique came over for a couple hours and hungout with Joe and I, but she left at 7 to go home to eat dinner. My mom was out grocery shopping and wouldn’t be back until later on, so that left Joe and I alone in an empty house.

I decided to invite Joe into my room so we could watch TV together and catch up on things. We both agreed it wasn’t time to step right into a relationship, but we could do boyfriend and girlfriend stuff without all the drama and commitment.

It felt kind of awkward having my ex sit right next to me on my bed, especially since we were all alone. We cuddled next to each other and watched “Jersey Shore”, which we both hated and only watched to make fun of the characters.

5 minutes into the show, I felt Joe’s warm hands grasp around my neck. He tilted my head to face his, and slowly leaned in. Our lips touched; I missed the touch of his lips, in which I hadn’t felt in months. We both obviously missed not only each other, but the physical part of our relationship as well. Before I knew it, my top was already thrown to the other side of the room. Without separating our lips, I lifted off Joe’s shirt and threw it next to mine. I stroked my hand down his stomach and passed his abs, unzipping his pants which he eventually took off himself. As soon as I knew it, I was laying on top of him as we both lay on my bed naked, and well…I think you know what happened next.

It was 8:04 when my phone buzzed, and Joe and I unlocked lips.

From Harry:

Hey babe, on my way back to the hotel. Where do you want to meet?

Oh yeah….boy #2 for the night. The Harry Styles.

Harry and I agreed that I’d take a taxi into the city and meet him at the movie theatres, so that any fans outside his hotel wouldn’t notice us together.

I hopped off the bed, leaving Joe laying there naked. I slipped into a clean pair of underwear and a bra, followed by a skirt and cardigan, and slip on uggs.

“Joe, I have to…uhm…go over Monique’s house for a little. I’ll be back later. You know where everything is, so help yourself. Just please put on clothes, I don’t want my mom to come home to a naked man watching TV in her daughter’s room.” Monique was the only one who knew about my plan, she even thought it was genius; she’d pretend that I was with her when I was really with Harry.

Slamming the door behind me, I skipped down the stairs, to the front door, and outside. I called for a taxi and got in. Let the games begin.

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