Chapter 4: Unpleasant surprise

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Francesca’s P.O.V

“BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.” The annoying beep of my alarm clock screamed at me to wake up. Ugh. I didn’t even have school today since it was a Saturday, I must’ve forgotten to turn it off. Tearing off my blankets and ignoring the fact it was only 9 AM, I walked to the other side of the room and unplugged my phone from the charger.

4 New Text Messages

From: Unknown Number

Hey you, it’s Harry. I had to scroll down my entire contact list to find you. I must admit, you’re very clever. :D

Last night was a blur to me, I had totally forgotten about everything. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was so shocked I got to spend time with my favorite band, or because my head hit the cement hard.

I replied, “Haha. Sorry, just thought it might be a little less boring to do it that way. Why are you up so early, good morning! :)

After sending that text and saving his contact name as “Harry”, I read my four other new messages.

From: Jaz is my best friend in the whole world<3

It’s 8 AM right now. My mom just picked me up from your house to go shopping. You look so peaceful when you sleep, didn’t wanna wake you. Be back in a couple hours, feel better! XoXo

I’m so lucky to have a friend like Jaz.

From: Unknown Number

Hey, this is Francesca, right?

This number was different than Harry’s, but were awfully similar…wonder who that could be. I texted back, asking who it was.

From: Mom

Rise and shine beautiful! When you wake up, come down stairs. I have a surprise for you! Hugs & kisses! –Mom xxx

Oh jeez, I wonder what my mom has in plan this time. Usually a surprise from her is new underwear which I never ended up wearing or a couple of headbands from the dollar store; if I’m lucky, it might even be a pair of socks! Woohoo!

I slipped on a baggy t-shirt and shorts, and put my hair into a bun. I wiped any makeup I forgot to take off last night and skipped into the kitchen.

As I remained a few feet away from the doorway in the kitchen, my phone rung.

From: Unknown Number

It’s Louis. We need to talk about you and Harry.

Me and Harry? Is it even legal to use the hottest man alive in the same sentence as….well, me? And what did he mean by ‘you and Harry’, were Harry and I becoming to be something? Was the worldwide famous heartthrob falling for me?

Louis has my number, too? That must mean that Harry gave him my number, there had to be a reasoning behind it.

After saving Louis into my contacts and replying “What about us?” I looked up from my phone and into the kitchen.

I could not believe what I was seeing. Two days in a row I thought I was imagining what seemed only could be real in my dreams. First, I met One Direction and became whatever you want to call it with Harry Styles, and now this.

Dressed in jeans and a cardigan, with Jordan Sneakers and a wide smile plastered across his face, the tall body standing in my kitchen finally spoke, staring directly into my eyes. “Hi baby, it’s been weeks since I’ve seen you; I’ve missed you.” These words were followed by a tight long hug and a warm kiss to my lips. No no no no no no no no. Not him.  

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