Chapter 16: 6 days later

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Francesca’s P.O.V

I was grounded for the entire week until Monday.

My mom took away my television and computer.

The only thing I had access to was my phone.

It was Friday now, and I hadn’t heard from Harry since Saturday.

He finally called me after 6 days.

“Harry?” I answered the phone.

“Hey babe, sorry you haven’t heard from me; I broke my phone. I finally got it fixed today.”

“I can’t wait to see you Thursday.”

“Neither can I, how are you? What’s new?”

“Well, I got suspended and now I’m grounded. I’m basically on house arrest.”

“Suspended? What’d you do?!”

I explained the whole situation with Julia.

“At least it was for a good cause,” he laughed.

“You’re a good influence,” I sarcastically replied.

I heard yelling in the background, it sounded like Louis and Paul.

“I have to go Francesca, text me?”

“Okay, love you. Bye.”

When I hung up the phone, I heard knocking on my door.

“What a surprise, you were on the phone with Harry,” Joe barged in the second I unlocked the door, and then locked it behind him.

“What do you want Joe?”

“You know what I want.”

“How long are you going to keep doing this for?”

He shrugged his shoulder, “However long I want to.”

He grabbed my waist and began forcefully kissing me.

It was becoming a routine of his.

I closed my eyes, trying to hold back the tears.

Why did he always have to do this to me?

That night was another night of not being able to sleep.

My clock flashed ’12:00 AM’.

The boys were in Chicago, which is an hour earlier than New York time.

I figured since it was only 11 PM there, they would still be awake.

I needed someone to talk to; keeping this a secret was too difficult.

There are only a few people that I can trust with a secret as big as this.

Jaz knows how to keep a secret, but she’s not the best at giving advice.

I can’t tell Harry, it would turn into a major problem.

There is one other person that I can trust.

Picking up my phone, I scrolled down my contact list and opened a new text message.

To Niall:

Hey Niall. Sorry to bother you, but you know how you told me to text you if I ever needed anything?

I was hoping he was still awake.

He answered the message within a minute.

From Niall:

yeh! watsup francesca!

For some reason, I lost all my confidence. There’s no way I could tell him.

To Niall:

Uhm, nevermind. It’s nothing. Sorry to bother you.

What was I even thinking texting him to begin with? I can’t tell Harry’s best friend.

From Niall:

ya sure? if u change ur mind u can still send me a txt, im always here for ya J

I threw my phone across the room, grasping my pillow tightly.

Letting all the tears stream down my face, I finally stopped hiding my feelings.

Harry Styles is my boyfriend. Any girl would die to be in my position.

I’m extremely grateful to be dating him, but Joe ruined it all.

My life would be absolutely perfect without Joe.

With Joe in my life, it’s a living hell.

I can’t keep living like this.

I can’t keep hiding things from Harry.

I can’t keep letting Joe abuse me.

I can’t keep allowing Joe to run my life.

I can’t do it anymore.

I just can’t.

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