Chapter 14

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"So," Ida began, breaking the silence that had accompanied us as we strolled through the park for the past ten minutes. "I don't really know what else to talk about, so why don't we tell each other why we're here?"

"Sure. I'll start," I told her.

"Oh, and you don't have to add any details, if you don't want to. Feel free to just tell me what you want to," she added quickly. I figured she said that more for her own benefit than mine, but I was thankful for it anyways. I didn't really feel like telling her everything. At least not yet.

"Well," I started, preparing for a very long explanation. I started off with how my family basically fell apart and my mom had kicked me out, and then talked about my slow decline into depression, eating disorders, and all that other stuff. It felt refreshing to talk about it this way. I mean, it was great when I told Demi about it too, but that was different. All sappy and teary and shit, not really my style. This was different. I talked about it as if it was someone else's life, and I was just telling their story. I didn't really feel like getting all morbid today, so I spiced the story up a 'lil, to put it simply.

"So then, I was lying on this park bench, right? And this lady comes and wakes me up and we have this epic scream fest and I almost fall off the bench, but then she ends up being really nice, so of course I'm like WOOTWOOT MOTHERFUCKERS and she carries me back to her house in her arms like the badass I am," I was saying.

I wasn't kidding when I said I was spicing things up. I really didn't want Ida to think I was one of those annoying kids who just mope around and feel sorry for themselves all day. Don't get me wrong, I love moping around once in a while, but sympathy really isn't my thing. I'd much rather make fun of myself and practice the sacred art of sarcasm. I think it suits me a little better, don't you?

Finally, I finished my story, ended with how "the lady" had told me she was going to call the doctor, and I had ended up unconscious in a concrete alley, which ultimately led me back here, to the park, right back to the beginning. I had neglected to mention Demi at all. Something in my subconscious told me it was a bad idea, so I decided to go with it and leave her as the nameless nice lady.

"Wow," Ida said when I finished my story. "I dunno how I'm supposed to top that."

"I hope for your sake that you can't," I told her jokingly, but there was an edge of seriousness in my voice. "But go ahead and see if you can, though I doubt you will," I said, adopting a more playful tone of voice and batting my eyelashes, followed by a hair flip and high-pitched giggle.

Ida played along, starting off her story in the most snotty voice she could muster. "Well, it all started approximately 24 hours ago, when I was practicing aerial in the backyard and my tights ripped ..."

"Hold on!" I interrupted. "Pause the movie! Anchor the boat! Stop the car! Freeze the...okay I'm out. have an aerial set in your backyard? Aren't those, like, bajillion dollar 20 foot tall rope thingies?"

"Erm, yeah. was really wealthy."

I knew she was lying, but decided not to push it. It wasn't like I was being completely honest either, so I couldn't complain. She'd tell me when she was ready. "Whatever, continue," I said.

"Yeah, so my tights ripped, like right in the middle upper half of my thigh, which is where I cut. And my mom was coincidently watching my routine and I'm sure you can deduce what happened from there."

"I see," I said. Poor kid. That would not have been a fun way to announce to your mother that you like to tear your skin open with razors in your free time. "So they kicked you out?"

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