Family Hangout Day!

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I'm making Tom's favorite tea and breakfast. Poor guy. He's need to sleep much more than me. He's always taking care of his kids. I'm happy about that but I'm worried about his health,I walk upstairs and walk into the bedroom. "Tom,darling,I got breakfast." He sits up slowly and rubs his eyes. "They love Shakespeare,alright." He laughs. I've always miss that laugh.

"Mmmhm,breakfast." He digs into his breakfast. "Kathleen, dear,I was thinking we could have a family hang out day and not stay in the house all day long." I sit on his lap and lay my head on his shoulder. "I agree." I kiss his neck. "I love you,Tom." Can't believe it though,our Hiddlestons are crawling now. 2 months and they're crawling. They're so a handful.

I grab my backpack,full of diapers,milk,clothes,baby wipes. Just in case. Tom is holding Scott and I'm holding Winter,we're walking to the park. Such a beautiful sunny day. "We're back at here again,huh?" He looks up confuse. "Pardon,Kathy?" I smiles. "Where we bump into each other. Where we met." He chuckles. "Oh that's right." He set up the blankets and lay it down on the greenery glass. We all lay down. Well I'm massaging Tom's back,he's groaning. "Ohhhhhh,that felt so good,Kathleen!" I laughs. We're all having a great time. Scott and Winter keeps crawling off the blankets and Tom have to chase them down everytime. I smiles and laughs so hard.

Tom have Winter on his stomach,telling her stories. "Sweetie,listen to daddy very well. When you grow up,be a painter. Just like your mommy. Fulfill her dreams. She didn't finish her dream because I broke her. It was my fault. I screw up. Don't be like daddy,please and you to,mister." He pokes Scott's nose. "Scott,I hope you be charming like daddy. Always make girls a princess. Don't hurt them. Don't hurt their fragile hearts. I hurt your mommy's heart. I didn't tell her the whole story about my past. Claire and Natalie and she still stay with me." I smiles and lay down next to him and having Scott sit on my stomach.

Fans squealing. "Oh my god! They're such a perfect family! I wish I was his wife." I smiles. "Oh,let's have dinner." He takes out sandwiches,soup,pudding,tea. "Pudding!" I grab the pudding and eats it in one bite. "I swear. You're like a 5 years old kid stuck in a 37 years old body." I laughs at Tom's comment. "Same goes to you,handsome." The kids are falling asleep on his lap. "Can we just stay here and look at the stars." He nods and lay down. "Been a long day,beautiful. I love spending time with you." He holds my hand and hug Winter so tight. I do the same to Scott. We both fall asleep on a beautiful night and we get to share the kids with our favorite memory. Our 1st memory.

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