Chapter 6

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Jungkook's POV

Thank god I am finally saved. I thought that I was at least going to get beaten up, I don't want that to happen again. Not after what happened to me when I was a kid. I am never experiencing that again. Hyung you came but I am not happy that you guys followed me all the way here, unless you came to apologize.

"Get your filthy hands away from him." Jin hyung yelled.

"What are you going to do about it? Now he is in my hands." The man that was in front of me answered.

He snapped his fingers and the others stood close yet far apart, they were alter. They were ready to fight. One of them came closer to me and grabbed me by my hand. No, more like he twisted my hand and caught me. He also put a knife near my throat. To show that they will not give me up unless they fight or give them all their money.

"Let go off him." Hoseok hyung yelled.

"Or what will you do, I mean are you guys related to him or something." One of them asked.

"What if we are then what are you going to do?" Suho hyung spoke.

"Then fight me to get him back. Or else he dies." The man replied.

I don't like the sound of that, I was given a bit of advantage here. I actually was playing along. I had given them all my money and told them my plan. They agreed to do it, not to mention they wouldn't really kill me since we had an agreement. They would take me away but then they would have to let go of me when I tell them to. They agreed to it all. I just saw them fight yet trying to put up a fight with her. Yes, a she was holding me back. Not that but she was acting weak but in reality she was super strong. They won the fight and took me back. But before we left I gave the girl and her group my phone number just in case they need my help. She took it and that they would contact me as soon as possible, if they needed my help.

24k's POV

We stood in front of the reception desk. Crystal was discharged from the hospital since the injury was not that major. And they headed home with their family. We went back to our house as well because it was 2 am and we have school tomorrow. When we got home, everyone took a shower and went straight to bed. We shared rooms with at least one other person. No one was awake and we checked the locks so nothing bad happens to us. It was almost morning and a sound came from the kitchen. It woke us all up. Who the hell is in our house at 6 am?

Hui's POV

There was someone in the house, I was going to take a shower and then go down for breakfast but screw that. There was someone in our house. Who can it be at this early hour? Everyone that was still sleeping woke up. Some of them walked out of the same room so they were arguing with each other. I was away from my own room. So I didn't have to listen to my two roommates argue over one small issue. I was the first one to go down and check out what was happening. Mostly because I was the only one that was fully awake.

"Hui, is there anyone there?" Kisu hyung asked.

"No, I don't see anyone so far. But I know you are here." I spoke.

"Fine I give up. You can even find me in this house no matter where I hide." A voice came from the kitchen.

"Who are you?" Cory hyung asked.

"I am Crystal's brother." He answered.

"I am Jungkook." He spoke and came out of the kitchen.

 Did he have something to talk about?

"I need to talk to you, all of you. When can we have a get together sort of thing? I don't want my sister to find me stalking you guys and I want to become more like friends with you. If you don't mind. Well, with that being said I better get back or my brother will yell at me." Jungkook finished and left.

"What the hell was that about?" I spoke.

"Well whatever it was we have to get it done today." Cory spoke.

Lanna's POV

I was going over to Crystal and Jay's house to pick them up. Especially for Crystal but I thought that I should pick up Jay as well since she lived near her. When I got there with my Ferrari, I saw a giant crowd of cars surrounding her house. I left after I saw Jinhong in front of her house and the rest of the boys didn't even stand a chance towards him. I want to stay and watch who she will pick but if she saw me she would pick me and that would leave Jinhong sad. I ran to my car and got out of there as quickly as possible. That was when the door opened.

Crystal's POV

I was staring out of my window. I saw Lanna stop by my house and then she went away. I'll just pretend that I never saw her. When I got down my brothers were yelling at boys that were surrounding our house. I went to school with my breakfast in my hand. Jin oppa yelled at me to eat first and then go but I didn't listen to him. When I went outside everybody stopped yelling and started handing me their flowers and chocolates. They even offered me a ride to school. I looked around and saw Jinhong there he had a gift with him or so I assumed that it would be one. I went towards him and he handed me a gift. 

"Here this is for you. I wanted to give it to you yesterday but I couldn't and today is your birthday right." Jinhong spoke.

"Yeah today is my birthday. And thanks but what is this." I asked.

"Open it and find out what it is." Jinhong replied.

I opened it and my jaw dropped. It was beautiful. 





Betrayal - 24k (#Wattys2017)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant