Chapter 10

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Jinhong's POV

Does he know that I am his friend? What if he doesn't know, how am I going to tell him? Before I realized it lunch was already. Cory and the others had to shake me vigorously until I came back to reality. I am just worried about our talk with him today. What if it doesn't go well? I not only betrayed him but his siblings as well by saying that I was just Crystal's classmate at the hospital. That was not entirely a lie but it wasn't all true either. 

"Jinhong, are you listening." Cory spoke.

"What? What are we talking about?" I asked.

"We were thinking that we should invite Jungkook to come with us for dinner. Not at any restaurant a fancy one. Maybe we can talk about it there. That is our answer." Kisu answered.

"Yeah, that's fine with me." I replied.

"You don't seem to be fine. What's wrong?" Hui asked.

"Well, the thing is that I betrayed Crystal's brother and now I have a feeling that in a way I am going to betray her as well. If tonight doesn't go well, then I can't even stand to face Crystal." I spoke.

"Anyways, I am not that hungry. So I will meet you guys outside." I added.

I left before they could say anything, I just want to be alone right now.

Jeonguk's POV

Jinhong wasn't only sad but he was frustrated as well. I think we all know that when he said that he will meet us outside, he would be nowhere to be found. I let out a sigh quietly. We started to get up and then head outside. This time I was actually surprised that Jinhong was actually standing there. Waiting for us, normally if something like this happened he would never stay around for a long time.

"Jinhong, what are you doing all the way out here. Come on let's go back to the group today is Jay's birthday or did you forget." I spoke.

I saw Jinhong turn around and he was crying. Well, this was a rare sight. Kisu went running over to him and embraced Jinhong in his arms. We all went over there one by one.

Kisu's POV

I went over to Jinhong and embraced him in my arms, I normally do this when one of is crying. You don't get to see him cry all the time. It was very rare that he cried at all. But when he did it was not for a good reason. It would always be for something bad. I shushed him but he was still crying, the others tried to come and hug him but I waved them back. He needed some air and water. He needs to drink so his doesn't dry himself.

"Kisu, is everything alright. Do you want me to get water for him?" Cory whispered.

I just nodded.

"Jinhong stop crying, everything will be fine." I spoke quietly, so no one around us could hear it.

The others circled themselves around us to hide Jinhong. Hopefully it will be fine, as the second oldest and the young ones calling me the mom of the group I had to take care of him. They called Cory the dad of the group, it was true he was the oldest out of us all. But I think that they call me the mom because of how I care for others.

Cory came inside and gave Jinhong the water bottle. After that he started to ease up a little bit, but I still embraced him. Until he would stop crying.

"Shh, Jinhong we have to go in, come on. You have to stop crying. Say what I will take you wherever you want this weekend." I spoke.

"Okay, I will stop crying. And can we all go together as a group and have Jungkook with us if things go well." He asked.

I looked at Cory and he nodded.

"Yeah, we will invite him to come with us." I answered.

After that he struggled to get out of my hands and I just let go off him and went inside towards my locker.

Jay's POV

The boys weren't there when I cut the cake. Did something happen? I will ask them later on, wait Kisu is in my class and so is Cory I will just ask them. That will makes things much better for me to understand what was going on if they gave an answer.

"Kisu, Cory where were you guys at lunch. You guys never showed up when I cut the cake." I asked them.

"Well, you see Jinhong wasn't feeling well so we took him to the nurse and she said that everything was fine. He just had a headache." Kisu spoke.

"Okay, if you say so, but I will let you go this time." I added.

I went back to my seat which was at the very back. I switched seats with another girl. She wanted to sit with her friend and I wanted to sit at the back. I liked being at the back, no one can see what I am really doing if I keep looking at the board from time to time. I always got good grades and had to study a year ahead of others that was only over the summer. I am glad that I don't have to study a year ahead over the summer.

The class ended and we just had a free block the entire school did. I went to the and we were going shopping, but Crystal wasn't coming with us. She went to her house straight and since it was a free period they didn't care what you do unless you are going home, then you would need to tell the office and then you can go home. 

Crystal's POV

I went straight to the office and told them that I was going home. It was not a lie I was going home and then I would tell my mom and dad that I am going to my dance classes. They would say okay but be back home before 9 pm. They would set rules and time limitations for all of us, the older we got the more we can stay out. After I had gotten home, I got changed and told my mom and dad that I was going to my dance class. And they said yeah but be home before 9:30 pm. I was glad that my time increased. I saw my coach waiting and I got in the car with her.


This book will have around 24 chapters or maybe a bit more just to let you know. The next chapter will be coming out soon.

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