Chapter 19

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Jinhong's POV

Dream begins

"You left me alone, why did you leave me. You should have came with me too. You don't want to be with him do you." a voice spoke in my dream.

"No I don't want to be alone but there is nothing I can do about that. I have a duty to do in this world. I have someone that I love and I made good friends but don't get me wrong. I love you too and it's true that I don't want to live with him but I got another place where I live. I live with my friends." I replied.

"I will visit you soon. I know it's late but today I will bring the one that I love over and we will visit you. But please don't be sad if you don't like her, she is the one for me and I want you to accept that." I added.

"I won't as long as you are fine with it then that's all I care about." the voice replied.

"Thank you." I spoke.

Dream ends 

After that Crystal woke me up and I knew that it was 1 in the morning but we had to go there right now.

"Crystal can we go visit my mother. Don't worry it will only be for a while." I asked.

"Uh, sure but it's late at night are you sure you want to go." She asked back.

"Yeah, she told me to come to her. In my dreams that is." I replied.

After that we went to visit my mother and I put the locket that she gave me beside her grave. It was not the most thing that she would want right now but that was all that I had on me. I said some words and so did Crystal after the 10 minutes passed we bid goodbye and went back to the hospital. When we got back there, they were all awake. But we told them where we went and they were okay with that and they said sorry because she was no longer here in person but she will always be with me.

Author's POV

When Jinhong and Crystal came back they found out that her brothers were awake and not only that but Jungkook held out a pendant. It was the one like his that he put on top of his mothers grave. Jungkook gave it to him to keep. Jinhong didn't know how to reply to that but he was very happy that he gave it to him. He thought that the other pendant was lost forever but he was wrong it was in a safe place all the time.

Kisu and Hui on the other hand were not as happy as Jinhong right now. They were having a difficult time coming up with an answer that would satisfy Jinhong. But in the end the decided that Jinhong would be happy with the answer that they would not fight anymore and they meant it. The decided that when Jinhong would visit next they were going to tell him this answer. 

Jay on the other was with her friend and they were getting happier since they were trying their best to keep each other happy. They did games, spoke jokes and even put their brains to work. When the boys were awake they would usually talk to them and it was actually helping both sides. The boys were recovering faster and the girls would have busy minds, and kept themselves awake from time to time. They got enough sleep but not enough they went back to sleep when it was 3 in the morning and woke up when it was 7 am but they didn't have school today since today was the competition. They were all getting ready and they were changed within few minutes, their brothers and cousins were released out of the hospital. Kisu and Hui were also released and they told Jinhong the answer and he was happy by their decision.

It took then a few minutes to finish the paper work and then they headed towards the stadium to warm up. They got there and they were the first ones let in and they were determined to win this competition. They all wished them good luck and hoped that they would win the competition. But they were at an advantage here the judges knew them very well and would try to be honest and yet give them reasonable marks. The judges were getting ready in their positions. The real judges were no where to be seen. And the ones that stood there were not actually judges they were more like coaches for each of the team. Each of the coach stood in front of their teams.

The judges were hidden on the top where they would be able to see everything but the contestants wouldn't be able to see them. Secret Hybrids were getting ready for their dance routine. The good thing was that they were the last ones to go and that gave them a lot time to practice and get ready for a fight for the first place. That's what they wanted anyways, they wanted to be at the top of everybody and get recognized by others and the judges. But they would be in for a surprise if they won the competition. They were going to be near the stadium for at least one day and they would be getting the semi - finals done today and finals was going to be tomorrow.

Violet's POV 

We were all pretty nervous, we sent the judges our dance videos and there were thousands of participants and now it is only 200 groups that were able to get through. We were the last ones to go and that gave us a lot of time to practice and get the dance perfect. We wanted the first place. It was now group 198 that was going and our was getting closer and closer. It made me even more nervous but the others kept a straight face and now it was our turn.


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