Chapter 13

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Jay's POV

I was getting ready for school it was 7 am but today was a special day where any student can have the time to show off their talent. I know what I was going to show off, my rapping. We had to do our own talents first and then we can go into groups and show a group talent if we wanted to. I can tell that Crystal was going to show her Taekwondo skills, but they are really cool. Crap, I am running late. The show will start in an hour and I need to get ready and warm up. 

After 10 minutes I reached the school and had 50 minutes to warm up my skills. I saw Crystal with another Taekwondo student that will be helping her preform. She was really cool, and all of her skills were put together with dance routine. Which made it better than last years performance. 

Crystal's POV

There were 40 minutes left until they show began. I practiced everything I had learned and put them into complicated patterns. I am glad that I learned how to defend myself in a way. Not only that one of the students decided that it wouldn't be good if I did it alone so he decided to help me out. I am grateful for that, we practiced and managed to get in sync. We took a 10 minutes break and then went back to practicing. I saw Jinhong there when it was 36 minutes left until the show began. He started to come towards me but my partner his name is Chase or that is what he wants to be called we don't know his real name though. We all asked him but he just says that he doesn't have a real name. It was weird but in the end we all got used to it, he taught the same kids as I did. We taught the beginners the basic and we were Black Belt. Which gave us an advantage. It was nice and not so nice either.

"Chase let's get back to practice." I spoke.

"Yeah, sure be there in a minute. You start to warm up." Chase replied.

"Okay, but hurry up." I added.

I started to warm up and Jinhong came in my direction. What does he want?

Jinhong's POV

I headed towards Crystal's direction, I wanted to talk to her. I need to explain what happened last night. I need to make it clear, that's all I need to do. And I hope she understands that I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. If there is anything I realized what I did was wrong not only to her but to her brother as well, I shouldn't have just stood there and let him take the blame for everything. It was not me, it was something else that was holding me back that time, it was my dad that told me not to get engaged with his activities. When I went near Crystal, she was completely ignoring me and the entire fact that I was watching her every move, was she trying to make me jealous. I didn't care anyway, because I figured out my mistake. 

"Crystal, I need to talk to you. If you want to that is. I just want to make myself clear about last night. Please let me tell you that I really love you. It was the girl that started everything, she insisted me to dance with her since her boyfriend broke up with her. I am sorry for doing it, I know I am stupid but can't you give me another chance." I spoke.

"I will give you another chance, and let me believe that you actually said that and don't go against your word." Crystal replied.

"Thank you, you don't know what that means to me, I have been wanting to tell you that I was wrong and you were right. I did realize my mistakes and I will call Jungkook and tell him to meet me at a restaurant and make up with him too." I whispered.

She smiled a little. I guess that she was happy with the answer. There were 20 minutes to go until the show started I wish us all the best of luck and tomorrow was the dance competition. I wish that at least we get in the second place, our company wants us to get a reward for what we did, for them to this day. Even if we don't get in the ranking that's fine because we can pick a group to be in our company. And that group would be from the first place. One group from the girls and the other from the boys.

It would be exciting to watch all the dances that all the groups have ready for us. We know how to judge each group even though it's our first time judging others and giving them the score they deserve. There were going to be 4 companies there, they were all going to pick their winners. They would need to pay close attention and they had selected their well known group of the year. They were stronger than us but I have a feeling that something good is going to happen to us.

Ember's POV

There were 15 minutes left until the show started the teachers came in and gave us the order of who was going when. First was Jinhong, second was Crystal, then me, and Jay was next, Cory, Kisu, Hunter, Skylar, Lanna, Hui, Jeonguk, Changsun, Violet and Hongseob. That was the order our two groups was going in but the rest of them I don't know. But I was getting nervous since I was going third. I shouldn't be nervous, Jinhong was calm and so were the rest of them, they had done things like this before. I have never done something like this before, so this was the first time that I was going to do it. First time were usually meant to be scary, but Jinhong did his song well, Crystal preformed without any mistakes and now it was my turn.


Vote, Comment and Enjoy. I wrote 3 chapters today. So here it is and heads up, 1 more day to go til the dance competition begins.

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