Chapter 8

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Jungkook's POV

I got to their house in 15 minutes I was actually surprised that they lived near the university. I rang their doorbell, and someone came to open the door. I went inside and was not greeted warmly. Not that I was expecting them to anyways. Since I came here for a purpose and I will say it out front to them, they better listen carefully. If they do something and I hear about they are dead meat.

"Come in." Jinhong spoke.

"Thanks for setting this all up. I want to make this quick. Because well you already know what is today." I spoke.

"Yeah, but we want to really know why you wanted to talk to us." Cory asked.

"Well, I will tell you this. If anything bad ever happens to my sister or cousin you guys are dead meat. Although I know you won't do anything bad but if anything bad does happen please. Please promise me that you will be there to protect them, I can't be there by their sides all the time. I am just trying to look after them and I didn't mean to insult you guys." I answered.

"Okay, we will protect them like our lives depend on it but for most of the part nothing bad would happen to them. We can guarantee you that." Kisu added.

"That's all I wanted to say. And I want to know, can we be friends. You see even though I attend university, no one from my class wants to be my friend. If you don't want to be friends I am fine with that, no real issues." I spoke, I noticed that my tone was getting more sadder by each second. 

I haven't had a signal friend in 20 years, well some of that is a lie. I have had one friend before but it didn't last long when we found out that our parents were not on good terms with each other. That doesn't mean that you can just separate us, and ever since that day. Bad rumors have been spreading about me and me only. I guess asking a group of people to friends with was too much. They were talking about it as a good. I think that it would be best if I don't know the answer and just leave. I stood up and started to head towards the door, I seriously don't want to know the answer. But I saw that they were coming towards the door. Just leave me alone already, if your answer will be a no. 

"Jungkook, where are you going." Hui asked.

"I am going back home, it's getting late and they would probably call me anytime soon if I don't go back. I guess I will see you later." I spoke avoiding their faces. 

"Before you leave, you have to know our answer to your friendship request. Our answer is..." Kisu started to speak but then he hesitated. They were still talking about it behind Kisu's back.

"Leave it, you can tell me when you are ready." I spoke "Loneliness here I come again, just when I thought that I could make friends." I whispered. I wonder if that was too loud since the room was quite you can even here the cars go by. I moved quickly and went out the door, but Kisu followed me a little bit and called out my name.

"Jungkook..." Kisu yelled. I just ignored him and went back home. 

Crystal's POV

Jungkook oppa was really late. Where is he? After a while I heard a car pull up beside our house, I went up and got the door, it was Jungkook oppa. He finally came back home. He looked kind of sad, did something happen to him. Jin knows that when Jungkook told him that he was going over to a friends house. He knew that it was a lie. I want to ask where he had been.

"You're finally home. We were all waiting for you to come back so we can cut the cake all together." Jimin oppa spoke.

"Sorry, I stayed a little too late. But everything is good now." Jungkook oppa answered.

"Well, don't just stand there. Come here quickly so Crystal can cut the cake." Namjoon oppa added.

"Yeah, let's get it over with." Jungkook oppa spoke.

We cut the cake and ate it while having dinner and I noticed that oppa was sadder than usual. But he covered it well with his fake smile. Jungkook oppa what happened. I know you went to see 24k, I want to know what happened there. If it's something bad then please you have to tell me, I want to know why you are upset. Did they do something to make you upset? I hope not. I went to sleep after I opened up my presents. Everyone got me a present, except for Jungkook oppa. I wasn't upset, I was worried about. 

I actually couldn't sleep and woke up at 1 am when everyone including my mom and dad were asleep. I went down to the kitchen and saw that they lights were on, did Jin oppa leave them on. He normally checks all the lights to see if they were off. But I found Jungkook oppa reading one of his textbooks. Is something wrong?

"Oppa, what are you doing here." I asked.

Jungkook oppa jumped up when I said that. He must have been reading so hard that he didn't even notice his surroundings. Well this was a surprise. I need to ask him now, no one can here us.

"Oppa why were you sad in the evening." I asked him.

"Well, it was nothing major to talk about. And why are you up, you couldn't sleep." Jungkook oppa asked.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep. I guess that was the case with you too huh oppa." I replied.

"Yeah, so I came down 15 minutes ago and started reading my book. But now that I think about we should just stay up since it's already 2:15 am. And we can't go back to sleep even if we wanted to. We would be forced to though." Oppa spoke.

"What do you mean oppa?" I asked.

"Turn around and you will find out." He replied.

I turned around and was in a shock to see who was standing there.


I am sorry for making the POV longer than usual. But I will try to make them shorter for the next chapter. A lot happens before the competition which is hint hint: IN 3 DAYS. 




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