Chapter 12

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Jinhong's POV

After I saw Crystal looking at me she yelled at me and ran away. I went after her. I am such an idiot, I knew I was going to betray her but not knowing in what was. But now I know I betrayed her love. I hope the others don't do the same thing I did to Crystal. Not after seeing her injured and more like trying to kill herself. I am glad that she didn't die but I am from the inside because I did something that I shouldn't have done.

"Crystal please wait up. I can explain all of that I didn't mean to do that." I yelled.

"You can talk to my hand. I don't want to hear your explanation. Because you hurt my brother I know what happened because I went home and then I came here. So don't you try to act like you haven't done anything." Crystal replied.

"Crystal, I know this is my fault but what can I do to make it up. I asked your brother the same thing but he didn't answer." I asked.

"You can stop hanging around me and my brother for a while. And you can realize your own mistakes. Because for a few days I am not coming to school, take that time to realize your mistakes." Crystal answered.

After that she left me and I went back to the party, but when I got back everyone was gone other than my friends. Kisu, Cory and the others were still there, the girls already left. 

Cory's POV

Jinhong seemed sad I guess the things didn't go well with Crystal. Of course they wouldn't he was hanging out with another girl, more like dancing with her. That would make any girl unhappy and burst out into tears especially the girlfriends. They were not the easiest ones to get past, they think that you are the only one that we love. But some of us know that it doesn't work out for all of us. We went home and went straight to sleep since it was 1 am in the morning.

It was almost like party all night but that couldn't be possible since we had school tomorrow. It was a good party though. I can't believe that these girls can throw a good party they don't look like the bunch but since they have a lot of money, they can do anything. We should be happy that we have girlfriends like them.

Kisu's POV

I went to sleep but something woke me up at 4 am. It was a noise coming from Jinhong's bedroom. I wonder if he was trying to beat himself about what happened tonight. And it's not all his fault he tried to fight back the girl since he knew that Crystal would show up and not be happy if he was with another girl. Crystal was his girlfriend and now he thinks that he has betrayed her love. Crystal misunderstood. It was not his fault, it was the girls fault. I went into his room and saw him facing the window.

"Jinhong, we have to talk. I know that you didn't mean to do what you did. Can I come sit beside you?" I spoke quietly.

"Yeah, shut the door behind you. I really need to talk to someone." He replied.

"Did I do something wrong or is this all natural?" Jinhong asked.

"Jinhong, come here. You did nothing wrong. It's the natural flow, that one person has." I replied.

"Don't let it get to you. The worst that can happen is that she might try to do what you did." I added. 

"After that I just have to show that I really love her right." He spoke.

"Yeah, you just have to show her, but I want you to think about what happened to you. That might really help you think and then take action." I added.

"Go back to sleep and don't think about it, if you need anything then call me." I spoke before I left.

I went down to the kitchen and saw Cory sitting there again. Is something wrong again? If there is something wrong then we need to talk. I can't stand people being sad all the time. Because that makes me feel that I would be the only one trying to calm everyone down at once. Which actually did happen once.

Cory's POV

I saw Kisu standing there but I didn't say anything. I heard him talk to Jinhong and then let him go to sleep. I am glad that he has less burden on his shoulders. But as for me, it's hard to say because I am actually dating another girl and I don't know who I should be with, Jay or Jenny. I like both of them, but one of them would be jealous if I am seen with the other girl. I know for once that Jay would be yelling at me for the next few days if she saw me with Jenny. But if Jenny saw me with Jay she would tell me to break up with her, which I really want it to happen. I don't date Jenny by will, it's because my parents wanted me to have a smart girlfriend. But all of that was the opposite of what I want.

"Cory, hey come back to reality." I heard a voice. It woke me up.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 6 am, you were sleeping here all night. I can't believe you. I went up because I thought you needed some time alone, but then you ended up sleeping here." Kisu spoke.

"Told Jay all about the plan although she got mad at first, but then she agreed to make the plan. That we discussed yesterday at the party  How does that sound?" I asked him.

"Yeah, she agreed to do it. Now that is really good. The more supporters we have the better." Kisu replied.


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