Chapter 18

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Jay's POV

I was helping Suho, Xiumin and Chen get better, but I was sad that this actually happened to them. I still want to believe that it would have been someone else that we didn't know at all. But it's always about luck. No one can change the fate of what might happen to others.

Author's POV

While Jay was suffering because her brothers didn't deserve to have been caught in an accident. The other side of the wall was Jinhong, Crystal, Crystal's parents and her brothers. They were certainly not happy with what had happened but they got over the fact that they were injured and treated them carefully. Trying not to injure them more and they talked like they would everyday. Which made them all happy, especially the parents since they didn't see any of their children this happy before. The parents left the room and headed home, they left their kids to talk among them selves and they treated the hospital as if it was their home.

While everyone in that room was happy on Jay's side, everyone was dead silent. The parents didn't visit them because they didn't want to see what happened to their kids and what condition they were in. But they were not the only ones that were dead silent. 

Kisu and Hui just came out from the operating room and were put in the intensive care section. Although the rest of them were not happy to see their friends in this area of the hospital, they knew that they would need to be treated as quickly as possible. Their vital signs were not too great either. But the doctors say that they will be fine, if they get a days rest or so. The nurses checked on them every 2 hours and no one was allowed to visit them other than their parents. Although they were not asking for their parents were asking for their friends the entire time. The nurses gave up on trying to convince them to talk to their parents, and eventually let the group of friend come in the room that they were in. When they saw each other everyone was there other than Jinhong.

Kisu was sad that Jinhong was not there after all he had done for him, but on the other side things were going so well either. Jinhong got a text from Cory saying to come to the intensive care unit, he didn't ignore the text but in their room. Jimin was causing a chaos, the doctors were trying to see what was wrong with him. And the concluded that his arm was broken and they must operate right away and they said that he seemed to have it broken for a long time. 

Jimin didn't tell the others but he was caught in a bad position when the car was flipped they had a hard time helping him out because his arm was stuck in between the squeezed part of the car. But when the managed to get him out, the paramedics asked if it hurt he told them a lie, and said no it didn't hurt but he knew that it did when he moved the arm a lot. After they took him to the operating room and fixed his arm, Jinhong went to the room that Cory said to come and the nurses said that he couldn't go in but he fought against them and Cory came out and said that he was a friend of the two patients inside the room and they really want to see him. After that the nurses were convinced and let him go through.

Jinhong was in the room and was not happy by what he had seen. He looked at them as if his nightmare had come true. But he knew that something was going to happen and you cannot go against fate. Jinhong was silent and wanted to talk to them alone, everyone else left the room and there was only Jinhong, Kisu and Hui left in the room. There was an awkward silence between them. They didn't know what to talk about but then Jinhong finally decided to break the silence.

Jinhong's POV

I was in the room with Hui and Kisu. It felt kind of awkward and I didn't know where to start but I had to say something.

"I always wondered about something about you two, why do you always fight." I spoke breaking the silence.

"Well, we just don't get along that well. It's not like we fight intentionally but it just happens because we don't have the same beliefs as one another." Hui answered.

That coming from Hui was a surprise to me, I thought Kisu hyung would answer but instead Hui did. That was not the only thing I wanted to know. I want to know when they will grow up and become fully grown adults or at least behave like ones.

"I want to tell you guys something. Please the next time don't fight, I just made up with Jungkook and now you guys are fighting. So please tell me that you guys won't fight again." I asked them.

They just looked at each other and then looked at me. What were they deciding on? Were they deciding on whether they should stop fighting or what?

"You guys decide on that together, I have to go back to Crystal and the others but I will come back and visit you guys after a while. By then please think it over and have an answer ready." I spoke while leaving the room.

When I left the room and I saw Cory and the others go in afterwards. They were probably going to ask what we talked about, but I didn't bother with that. I went straight to the room where Crystal and the others were. When I got back I saw that Crystal was sitting beside Jimin. She must be very worried about him, I mean who wouldn't be. I went in and took a seat there. I went to sleep for a while and I had a very weird dream. What is this?


Vote and Comment below. I am sorry but they will pay a visit to Jinhong's mom (not his real mother of course) in the next chapter I promise.

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