Blanket Hog

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Tony's P.O.V

It was getting late and the more we were out the more I worried. How was this going to work, sleeping in the  same bed as Jimin, Would things get weird between us?  All the members seemed to be still having a good time so I didn't intervene with their time. Of course Jimin and Namjoon would usually tell me what was going on. I stretched and told them about the time. Everyone seemed in no rush as they grabbed their things, I as well grabbed my things and made sure the van was there before calling them to leave. Everyone rushed  to the van obviously tired I slowly followed and joined a few members in the back. The hotel  was only I little ways away so I wasn't too worried about anyone sleeping. Everyone seemed in a rush to go to sleep. I stayed behind to wait for Jimin since he wasn't far behind me.  Jimin had handed me the keys to the room as we walked up together. He seemed to forget about our earlier situation. Once he had entered  the room I followed closing the door. I watched ad Jimin got on the bed and curled up taking all the blankets, go figure right? I left the room slowly trying to be quiet so I could go get extra blankets. I asked a women that was working and she smiled handed me two extra blankets. "Thank you so much." I said as she simply nodded and got back to work. I sprinted back to the room and entered, turning off all the lights Jimin had left on. Only the artificial light of the television illuminated the room. I made my way over to the bed. Hesitantly setting my blankets down. He sat on the edge of the  bed trying not to sleep the other.  I could barely see his face but his face was squished into the pillows and his hair was already a mess. I just got on the bed and laid down facing away from him hoping to make things less awkward, for me anyways. I turned the television off looking around the dark room I felt my eyelids get heavy. I was about to fall asleep but, my blankets were yanked off of me. I turned seeing Jimin had tossed all the other blankets aside for mine. I slowly got up, walking over to the discarded blankets and picking one up before laying back down.

Jimin's P.O.V
I kept wakimg up through the night due to being cold. I would remember waking up and getting blankets on but they'd be gone, honestly it was feeling like a never ending cycle. That's when I remembered Tony maybe he kept stealing the blankets! Whatever I'll   confront it in the morning. I again grabbed blankets and curled up in them rolling around till I found comfortable and warm. Tony's back, i didnt know when it first happened but I didn't question it. I cuddled up to his back and fell asleep again. I didn't wake up once after that, I woke up later in the morning after hearing Tony call out a few times. I grumbled and sat up. "I wouldn't be tired if you didn't hog all the blankets and make me cold." I grumbled as I rubbed te sleep from my eyes. He seemed to chuckle before asking a simple question. "I'm the blanket hog? Says the one who literally played fetch with the blankets making me get up every hour or so to go get my blankets back." He said and crossed his arms. I shook my head and went to get dressed to meet up with the other members. I do remember kicking a few times but never taking the blankets from him.  I eventually returned back to the main room and noticed Tony, asleep. Maybe I did take the blankets but, the room was cold last night and I'm not so sure as to why. I decided that letting him rest was the best. I walked down the halls back to Namjoon's room and knocked quietly in case they were still sleeping.  When Namjoon opened the door I smiled and spoke. "Tony is sleeping since he didn't sleep too good last night, can I stay here?" He simply nodded but, told me to be quiet since Yoongi was in the next room over. I nodded in understanding, it was like a game of poke the bear but, I don't really feel like having the death wish while we are in L.A. we simply just sat and watched the television till  everyone but Tony and Yoongi were awake. We all went down for breakfast also trying to avoid being caught by people who would want pictures. I love them and all but, I do like to relax now and then.

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