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Jimin P.O.V

We were now back in the hotel room. We had to actually start working, to figure. I was getting dressed as I looked in the mirror. I honestly had no clue what we had in store for us and in which order. I knew we were here for a music video and to actually record the  song that was it. I left the bathroom and looked at Tony before grabbing the key to the door, waiting for Tony. I grabbed the door knob and twisted it slowly before I felt Tony behind me. I smiled brightly before I turned to face him, tilting my head slowly. "Some thing you need?" I asked looking up to make Eye contact with him. He simply shook his head before leaning down and kissing me gently. "That's all I needed, I won't be able to till really late tonight." He said I stood there dumbfounded and bright red.  I shook my head, looking at him. "You're so weird....but you're my weirdo!" I said, I left the room with Tony. I looked at him, smiling brightly at him before turning to the rest of the members. Namjoon explained what we were doing. I was glad it was just recording, I love making the videos but, we could be up for days I didn't really want that right now. It would take us a few days for making a video and only a day or so to record. which was perfect with the amount of time he had left in Los Angeles.  Of course I would be sad about leaving for multiple reasons but, I loved Korea too and love being there. I sighed heavy confused with my thoughts till Yoongi nudged me. "Sorry hyung." I said which he seemed confused before speaking. "Are you okay?" Yoongi asked as we got in the van. I simply nodded and spoke. "Yeah there's just alot going on.." I explained before he nodded and spoke. "Well thats our life but, I wont bother you unless you want to talk about it." He said in a soft manor  which surprised me but, I nodded and thanked him for his kindness. I was sitting beside Yoongi and Taehyung, Tony , Namjoon, and JungKook behind us Hobi and Jin infront of us. The ride was long and I mean really long.  I fell asleep against Taehyung until he started screaming with JungKook I sighed slowly sitting up and rubbed my eyes. Only good thing is we were there, I basically ran out of the van, I waited patiently for everyone else to get out.

Tony P.O.V
I was tired too but it was four p.m. since we left at noon I could see why Jimin was trying to sleep because they would be there till late. Good thing was they loved their job and I could see why, they are always so happy together and when they aren't they are there for each other. Once the van stopped everyone rushed out to go eat before they started. Most of them are very little so they could get started I was just there to encourage them to continue. It was late and they all were getting tired but, they were still working to their best ability and I could appreciate that about them. Their recorders were kind of rushing them due to the late hour. It only took them another half hour and they had finished recording which meant that gave them an open day at the end of the week. They were all glad so they all rushed to the van to go sleep. It was around nine p.m. meaning none of them would get to the hotel till atleadt one a.m. they all decided they would start working earlier so they could get off earlier and sleep more. I waited till everyone was in and then took a place next to  Jimin who was already half asleep. The ride hadn't even started yet and half of them were asleep it wasn't that late but, they all knew they were getting up early so they took the time they could to sleep before they started their music video. I was excited since the song was amazing they had given me the lyrics in English which I was   extremely grateful that they took the time to do so. I noticed Jimin was  asleep so I kept his head propped up till we got to the hotel. I had woken up a few members no one wanting to wake Yoongi, JungKook  carried him taking the  risk of his potiential death . Obviously he was fine in  the end but I carried Jimin slowly up to the room and tried to grab the keys without waking him up. I was lucky and didn't wake him as I carried him to the bed and set him down. I set the keys down and went to go get changed before heading to bed.

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