Awkward Cuddles

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Jimin P.O.V
We had gotten back to the the hotel and I had gotten to the  room before Tony did, since he went out to get us lunch. I got changed and laid down on the small couch provided for us in the room. I had pulled a blanket off of the bed and curled up with the blanket wrapped around me. Once Tony arrived I sat up slowly, making space for Tony ad as he sat down beside me as we ate together. I was tired from the pool, Tony seems tired as well but I didn't mind too much since I would survive. I did make sure to get some more blankets  before night time would come around. I helped clean up the mess before I laid on the bed with the blanket. I noticed Tony  joined beside me. We were both tired so I didn't blame him I turned on some music since it was quiet. I closed my eyes and sighed softly. I dont know why and I never will be able to explain it but lately, I've felt different about Tony. Not in a bad way but different, like when you get butterflies and always want to be around them. It was strange but I needed to keep it to myself it would be weird. I sighed and he  seemed to notice, speaking calmly. "Jimin, are you alright?" He asked which snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned Tony and smiled. "Yeah, I just got alot on my mind I guess.." I said and turned to him moving closer  and closef my eyes. "I see..." He said  softly before continuing. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked and I turned and shook my head. "Its okay...i just need to figure it out before I can explain it properly." I tried to cover up and he seemed to buy it for now. I was glad honestly but what I hadn't realized how close we were till I felt him pull me slightly closer more in a comforting way I didn't complain though as I nuzzled into his chest a bit before I closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep instead I just relaxed while I felt him rub my back. I didn't really expect this but, he wasn't helping with my feelings at all. I sighed softly when my phone went off.
'Hey goodnight everyone- Yoongi'
'Night night! -JungKook'
'Sleep well- Taehyung.'
'Goodnight! 🌚- hobi'
'Sleep tight- me'
'Sleep late we won't start till late!-Namjoon'
'Night- Tony'
'Goodnight everyone, sleep well!- jin'

Tony P.O.V

I watched Jimin for a little before checking  the text myself. After I responded I set my phone down amd held onto Jimin who seemed to cuddle up closer. I seemed to get closer  before wrapping his  arm loosely around me.. I smiled and laid my chin on the too of his head. How could one human being be so cute? I sighed I should talk to him about my feelings but, I dont think he's actually allowed  to have a relationship. I didn't want to ruin his career with my own feelings but, he does have the right to know...right? I looked down at him he seemed to be asleep now so I grabbed the extra blanket and threw it over both of us. He seemed to shift and awake at the simple gesture. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." I said softly before hearing hin giggle. I looked confused as he spoke. "I wasnt asleep did I seem asleep? He teased a bit. I nodded slowly at the question and he just laughed softly before shaking his head. "No, it's okay." He said and I spoke. "Alright if you're tired you should sleep though." I said but he sat up and looked at me.  "Actually uh...i need to talk to you, if that's okay." He said as I slowly sat up and have him a concerned look but spoke. "Sure what's up jimin?" I asked worried.

(Oh cliff hanger! Sorry guys but, I'm sure you guys know what's you going to  happen   😉😉😘😲💓
Love you guys!))

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