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Jimin's P.O.V

Hoseok had shaken me awake the next morning and spoke. "chim chim? you have to get up.." He said softly. I rolled away and covered my face and sighed softly. "n..nooo." I grumbled and huffed loudly. Hoseok turned to me before quickly yelling. "Yoongi what have you done to him!" I chuckled and sat up slowly. I didn't want to get ready but, I knew I had to. I didn't take long to get ready and join the rest of the boys for breakfast, I yawned and sat down and thanked Jin for cooking the meal. I ate while checking my phone and texting Tony.


Me: Hey, how did you sleep?

Tony: good, how about you baby?

Me: Okay I guess...

Tony: Whats wrong is something else going on?

Me: No just miss you, I'll talk later the members said they have a surprise for me...

Tony: Alright I love you, always

Me: I love you too so much.


I turned back to the members who kept yelling and joking with each other. I was so happy I had them honestly. They all turned to me and I gave a confused look as they spoke. "after we are done eating we are going to the water park." Yoongi said in a bored tone. I slowly nodded and spoke. "O..okay," I said softly. Jungkook spoke, "Namjoon hyung said he had to stay behind to do some work though." I just nodded and spoke "alright." All the members rushed to get their stuff while Namjoon said goodbye to us. I slowly got my things together and got to the van to drop our things off. I was curious of what Namjoon was doing, after all, he seemed very busy the past few days. After hours at the water park, Jin got everyone together to go to the studio and bring Namjoon lunch. We took the long drive and we stopped on the way to get something for Namjoon to eat.

Tony's P.O.V

Namjoon kept telling me Jimin was on his way that made me even more nervous than I was before. "Thanks, Namjoon." I grumbled sarcastically standing behind the door when I heard they were here. I noticed the door open and I watched as Jimin wandered to Namjoon with food, I nodded to the members who brought everything out. I walked behind Jimin and smiled as Namjoon turned to thank Jimin. I quickly picked Jimin up he squealed and turned to see me, He started crying. I quickly hugged him and rubbed his back. "Don't cry, it's okay.." I said softly, kissing his forehead lovingly. It took him a little while to settle down but he was just as adorable and lovable from the first day I met him. We spent most of the night together and Hoseok said that if we wanted Hoseok would stay in another room. I simply shook my head and chuckled. "I'm sure we can share," I said and chuckled. Jimin pushed me a bit. "the hotel thing was an accident." I chuckled and spoke. "A good one at that.." I said and kissed his forehead. Jimin nodded, giggling happily at my words. That night we all headed to the dorms and started to head to bed. Jimin left before he laid on the bed and I held him close. Hoseok chuckled at us and spoke. "Goodnight you two, sleep well." I smiled at Hoseok's kindness and spoke. "Thank you Hoseok, you sleep well too," I said calmly before turning to Jimin and rubbing his back gently. I knew Jimin was tired but, he seemed so lost in thought. I was a bit confused as I slowly whispered to him. "ChimChim baby?" I asked softly, he slowly turned to me and gave me a confused look which I simply rubbed his back. "I just want to make sure you're okay baby.." I said and he slowly nodded in understanding. "Y..yeah I'm okay Tony," he replied

//Okay two updates i'm going to try and contiue to post two a day but, please be patient with me. Lots of love to you all! I hope that you all can give me ideas as well for this story and i love all of your feed back you can leave it on my wall or in my comments. <3 //

Jony An Awkward Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang