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Jimin's P.O.V

I still wasn't sure what Tony meant. 'Jimin' I mean I knew it was my name. I huffed, he had been asleep for at least an hour now. I decided I should probably get some sleep as well. I cuddled into him happily before falling asleep slowly. My dreams were okay but, it still bothered me.I wanted to be the cheesy one but, Tony took it from me. I grumbled in my sleep.

~~~few hours into the future~~~

I woke up, quickly sitting up to see the time. I looked around, not remembering most of last night. I rubbed my shoulder before noticing the bruise. I stared wide eyed before I quickly shook Tony awake. "Tony!" I whisper screamed at him till he woke up. "What Jimin what?" He asked and I glared. "What the hell happened last night?" I asked panic in my voice. "what the hell do you mean what happened last night Jimin all you did was also me a lot of weird questions..." He said and I raised my eyebrow before pulling down my shirt slightly. "Really Tony?" I asked obviously not buying it and he chuckled hysterically at me. I rolled my eyes and nudged him. "What is this from?!?" I asked more concerned than anything. Tony hugged me and spoke, "were you so tired last night you forgot? you were kissing me and I was kissing you and it ended with that." I tilted my head confused before nodding and went to get dressed for the day. "Why don't we go on a date today?" Tony asked calmly before I slowly turned to face, speaking calmly. "Sure, where did you want to go?" I asked softly before he chuckled and spoke. "Out?" Tony asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes before going to get dressed. Once I was ready I waited patiently for Tony to return to my side. It was a bit cold so I grabbed a sweater and scarf. I couldn't really complain about the cold weather since it wasn't freezing or anything. I turned my attention to Tony while I wrapped my scarf around my neck. Tony chuckled at me, I ignored it while I grabbed my phone and wallet. I knew Tony probably wouldn't let me pay but I figured I should try. My phone was just in case the members texted me. He yawned, i quickly turned to him and smirked. "Is someone tired?" I teased.

Tony's P.O.V

"No, let's go now," I said with a smile. I wasn't sure where we were going to go I just wanted to spend time with Jimin. I sighed and took his hand leading him out of the dorm quickly as we walked down the streets slowly just enjoying the morning. Jimin, he would be the death of me I swear just waiting for the day to come. I shifted and wanted to hold his hand so bad but we really couldn't the management said the public couldn't know. I understand that and respect their wishes. I turned to a local Café and walked with him inside. I ordered a coffee and so did he. I paid for it and thanked the lady and handed Jimin his coffee. "Thank you, Tony." He said and I smiled. "No problem Jimin, let's go." I said while he continued to walk quietly at my side. There would be moments where Jimins hand would brush mine and I swear he's just trying to. "Where do you want to go jiminie?" I asked he turned to me with an unsure look. "I don't know, let's just walk, if we see something we'll stop?" He asked still unsure. I nodded, smiling at him. "Sure," I said softly and he smiled the cutest eye smile. I just wanted to wipe it off his face but, I also loved his smile. He made it so difficult for me sometimes. Jimin noticed I was lost and thought and shook me a bit which I quickly turned to him. He grabbed my wrist pulling me along. I chuckled and stretched a bit as I followed behind Jimin. I was a bit concerned in the distance there was some dark cloud rolling in. I brushed it off as he pulled me along into a store. I looked around the small show quietly while Jimin walked around. I watched from afar to see what he wanted or things he liked. I wanted to get Jimin something nice but, I would need to come with some of the other members for help as well. I wanted to make sure I got the perfect thing for him. Jimin meant everything to me so I needed to be something that would mean a lot to him. I snapped out of my thoughts and walked over to Jimin's side with a smile.

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